OPLDatabaseFile Font Editor The Font Editor The main screen The edit screen Creating new fonts Extra features7 4The Font Editor allows you to create and edit fonts. 3There are two main types of fonts: Fast and Normal. 2Fast fonts are stored using 1 byte for each row of9 6each of the 256 characters even if a character doesn't5 2exist in the font. This means the font can take up7 4more space, but is faster to display. Fast fonts are4 1limited to widths of upto 8 pixels per character. 8Normal fonts are stored compressed. Undefined characters: 7are not stored in the font file, and the space taken up3 0by a character depends on its width. There is no* 'restriction on the width of characters.5 TA2When a font is loaded or created, the program will3 TA0display all the characters in the font file. Any2 TA/undefined characters in the file are shown as a0 TA-grey square. Only characters within the fonts character range are shown. TA4Each character will have a grey box around it - this5 TA2is the character bounding box, and shows the width and height of the character. TA4To select a character to edit, either use the cursor2 TA/keys or press the relevent key on the keyboard.4 TA1With very large fonts, not all the characters may4 TA1appear on the screen at once. They will scroll as necessary. TA'Press to edit the selected character. TA$'Baseline' alters the font baseline. TA''Height' alters the height of the font. 'Clear' clears the whole font. TA 'Invert' inverts the whole font. TA5'Delete' deletes the current character from the font. TA2'ROM' allows you to load a system font from the OS5 TA2ROM. If you try and load a Multiple font file, you5 TA2will be given a list of the fonts contained in the8 TA5file. Select the font to load or press Esc to cancel.3 A+0This displays an enlarged version of the current3 A+0character, along with a grid. The character will also be shown normal size. A+-Use the cursor keys to move the cursor around0 A+-the grid. Shift cursor keys set pixels as you0 A+-move. Psion cursor keys clear pixels. Use TAB to invert a single pixel. A+-To select another character, either press the1 A+.relevent key, or use 'Prev' and 'Next'. If you. A++select a currently undefined character, you/ A+,will be asked to enter a width. You can only4 A+1edit characters within the fonts character range. A+-You can clear the character using 'Clear' and invert it using 'Invert'. A+(Alter the character width using 'Width'. A+!Press to return to main screen.0 *!-Select 'New' from the main screen to create a1 *!.new font. You will asked for a font name (upto1 *!.16 characters), the font type (fast or normal). *!+and the lowest and highest characters to be defined in the font. *!+You will then be asked for the font spacing- *!*(proportional or fixed), max width, height and the descender position. *!+If you select fixed spacing, all characters* *!'will be the width you enter for maximum, *!)width. Proportional spacing will give you* *!'suitable widths for each character with+ *!(the widest character being the width you enter.7 _=4The following editing features are only available to registered users: From main display: _=0'Info' allows you to alter the font name and the5 _=2flags that are returned by ginfo. It also displays2 _=/the font details such as height, max width etc. _=/'Alter range' allows you to extend the range of defined characters. _=,'Compress' removes undefined characters from0 _=-the low and high ends of normal fonts, saving space. From edit display: _=5'Bring' allows you to use one character bitmap as the7 _=4starting point for another. For example to define an6 _=3R, you can use the bitmap for a P and add the tail.6 _=3To do this, goto the edit screen for the R, and use5 _=2'bring'. You will be asked for a character to copy4 _=1from. Either type in the character or a two/three6 _=3digit decimal ascii code, or hex if preceeded by $. _=5'Open gap' and 'Close gap' allow you to move parts of8 _=5the bitmap. You can open/close to the left, right, up7 _=4or down of the cursor. Any rows or columns moved off+ _=(the edge of the character grid are lost.