OPLObjectFile** LOC::A:\OPL\WCLOCK2.OPL Wclock2.ODB \OPD\ M:\OPD\Wclock2.DATW M:\OPD\Wclock2.DAT PLACE1$ PLACE2$ PLACE3$ PLACE4$ PLACE5$ PLACE6$ DIFF1& DIFF2& DIFF3& DIFF4& DIFF5& DIFF6& PLACE1$' LOS ANGELES PLACE2$' DALLAS PLACE3$' CONCORD, MA PLACE4$' LONDON PLACE5$' PARIS PLACE6$' + HONG KONG DIFF1&% DIFF2&% DIFF3&% DIFF4&% DIFF5&% DIFF6&% Welcome to World Clock!( Press [Enter] at main screen toO +!set up cities & time differences.O +"Enter time differences in minutes.O A city two hours behind = -120O A city four hours ahead = 240O Press [Enter] now.O M:\OPD\WCLOCK2.DAT PLACE1$ PLACE2$ PLACE3$ PLACE4$ PLACE5$ PLACE6$ DIFF1& DIFF2& DIFF3& DIFF4& DIFF5& DIFF6& OxOPO OxO+( OxO8( OxOE( OxOPO PLACE1$# PLACE2$# PLACE3$# PLACE4$# PLACE5$# PLACE6$# DIFF1&! DIFF2&! DIFF3&! DIFF4&! DIFF5&! DIFF6&! +*Enter Cities & Time Differences In Minutes PLACE1$# City 1: (Max 11 Letters) DIFF1&! Time Difference 1:( PLACE2$# City 2: (Max 11 Letters) DIFF2&! Time Difference 2:( PLACE3$# City 3: (Max 11 Letters) DIFF3&! Time Difference 3:( PLACE1$' PLACE2$' PLACE3$' DIFF1&% DIFF2&% DIFF3&% +*Enter Cities & Time Differences In Minutes PLACE4$# City 4: (Max 11 Letters) DIFF4&! Time Difference 4:( PLACE5$# City 5: (Max 11 Letters) DIFF5&! Time Difference 5:( PLACE6$# City 6: (Max 11 Letters) DIFF6&! Time Difference 6:( PLACE4$' PLACE5$' PLACE6$' DIFF4&% DIFF5&% DIFF6&% No time to lose!O Help: Worldclock( Using Worldclock( Setting Worldclock( About Wordclock( Kudos, Thanks( Help: Using Worldclock( +#Worldclock allows you to set up sixO +(clocks showing the time & name of citiesO +&in different time zones. You could useO +'city names or zone names like 'Hope,AR'O +)or 'Pacific' etc. your settings are savedO +)to a small file called Wclock2.DAT on M:.O Help: Setting Worldclock( +%Press [Enter], you are shown the timeO +&difference & city naming dialog. EnterO +&the titles for each clock and its timeO +)difference from your home. A city 2 hoursO +'behind would be entered as -120. A cityO +&3 hours ahead would be entered as 180.O Wordclock vers 2.0( 1993 Les Hall( CIS 71053,1676( levitas tempusKO"W Help: Kudos, Thanks( +&Again, thanks to Pison PLC & Psion IncO +#for making great palmtop computers.O +'Special thanks to Mark Esposito for allO +%the pointers & code sharing. And veryO +$grateful thanks to Jim Hoyt for justO +&being a real gent. Love all. Les Hall.O WCLOCK2