Font definition files

The description of how LATEX<#497#><#497#> font attributes are turned into TEX<#498#><#498#> fonts is usually kept in a font definition (|.fd|) file. The |.fd| file for family <#500#>family<#500#> in encoding <#501#>encoding<#501#> is called |;SPMlt;ENC;SPMgt;;SPMlt;family;SPMgt;.fd|, for example |OT1cmr.fd| for Computer Modern Roman or |T1ptm.fd| for Adobe Times. Whenever LATEX<#502#><#502#> encounters an encoding/family combination that it does not know (e.g.~if the document designer says |<#503#>ptm<#503#>|) then LATEX<#504#><#504#> attempts to load the appropriate |.fd| file. ``Not known'' means: there was no | | declaration issued for this encoding/family combination. The declarations in the |.fd| file are responsible for telling LATEX<#505#><#505#> how to load fonts for that encoding/family combination. If the |.fd| file could not be found, a warning is issued and font substitutions are made.