OPLObjectFile** LOC::B:\OPL\4TIME_A.OPL FourTime.ODB \OPD\ IMAGE% DPOS% MYPID% EXTRACT REMAIN$ SLEEP MODTIM TOSHELL SAVTIM THELP START \Note\set\ Timera.dbfKO Timera.dbfK POS% 1992-93K( by Pelican Software Inc.( Timer Normal+ Start Timer {A{]) OzH@[N OpH@`[ OmH@[ OvH@[ OrH@[ Options+ PauseOp+ ModifyOm+ VersionOv+ RegistrationOr+ ZoomOz Oz@[ Registration Info +"4Time 2a.0 is shareware and can be +%registered by sending a check or cash for $15 US to: Mark EspositoO P.O.Box 741072O Houston Tx. 77274-1072O Ov@[A Version: 2a.0 1992-93 Pelican Software Inc.K Timer resumed... Timer paused... O @`[ OxH@[: O @[L Clear Timer?O Resume Timer?O Oy@[+ O<{QM Timer is paused... Modify Timer Add or Subtract:+ Amount:O Edit: Resume to update screen! DPOS% Start timer Name:O Add to starting time:O This will cancel current alarm!O StartO CancelO No timer set... Stop Timer No Name( sys$shll.* HELP: 4Time( Use KO to highlight timer boxesK Enter to start/stop a timerK Del to stop a timerK On/Esc to System screenK P = Pause timerK