OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\CCLOCK3A.OPL CClock.ODB \OPD\ PLAY1$ PLAY2$ MOVES$ ALARM% ALARM$ ALARM& CURRPLR% MVS1% MVS2% ELAP1& ELAP2& TLEFT1& TLEFT2& STARTED% LASTSEC% THISSEC% INTRO INISCR ABOUT GETPLAYR GETALTM SECBEAT SWAPRUN Setup+ PlayersOp+ TimeOt Game+ StartOs+ New GameOn+ ExitOx About+ AboutOa Validation Error You must specify namesO for both players( {A`[g Validation Error You must specify time limitO and number of moves( Menu Request Abandon current game ?( YesOy+ UPALTM PLAY1$ PLAY2$ CURRPLR% Time Elapsed:OZO Time Remains:O_O Moves made:OZO PLAY1$ PLAY2$ CURRPLR% Enter Player Names + Player 1:O + Player 2:O T2STR$ MOVES$ moves in K UPALTM UPREMAIN UPELAPSD UPMOVES MOVES$ ALARM& TLEFT1& TLEFT2& ELAP1& ELAP2& Enter Moves and Time Limit Number of Moves Time Allowed HH:MMO T2STR$ T2STR$ MOVES$ CURRPLR% UPELAPSD UPREMAIN ELAP1& TLEFT1& ELAP2& TLEFT2& UPMOVES MVS1% MVS2% PLRSECS SALARM BLINK CURRPLR% PLAY1$ PLAY2$ STARTED% + Times UP! ran out of time( UPMOVES BLINK CURRPLR% MVS1% MVS2% Chess Clock for the Psion 3a Set up players names, numberO of moves that must be made,O and length of time allowed. +"Select 'Start' to start the clock.O + Swap players using the spacebar.O Choose Menu at any time.( Esc to continue ...O +!Chess Clock for the Psion 3a v1.0 Written by Vic ZonkoO Compuserve 100020,11O Copyright 1994 LaceHarp LtdO +(Also available for the Psion 3 'Classic'O Press 'Help' for help.( Esc to continue ...O +!Chess Clock for the Psion 3a v1.0 Written by Vic ZonkoO Compuserve 100020,11O +$This version is in the Public DomainO +&and may be freely copied provided thatO it is not modified in any way.( Copyright 1994 LaceHarp LtdO Press 'Help' for help.( Esc to continue ...O START INISCR T2STR$ GETPLAYR UPALTM GETALTM UPREMAIN UPELAPSD UPMOVES BLINK PLRSECS PLRMVS/ SECBEAT SALARM SWAPRUN HELPG ABOUTz INTRO