History of S3ABANK 6 Sep 94 Version 1.0 issued (Only 1 major bug identified with updating Standing Orders) 27 Sep 94 Version 1.1 issued with the following changes: a. Fixed the bug in updating Standing Orders. b. Export/Import options for QIF,CSV,ASCII. c. Added Account types for interoperability with Quicken d. Option to have 'Future Transactions' instead of 'Standing Orders' e. Allow kilometres as well as miles. (and litres/100km) f. Add ability to redefine deferred/reconciliation symbols. g. Automatic Y-Scaling on Share History Display. h. A 'look-ahead' mode to check status at a later date. i. Added an 'Account Info' and 'Group Info' option. j. Improved International Currency handling. k. Allowed secondary currency option for whole Group. l. Allowed a separate secondary currency option for the Budget screen. m. Cosmetic changes to Menus. n. Added an option to change accounts from within the Transaction screen. o. Improved and rewritten Help screens. p. Option to reset Start date for Share History file. 24 Oct 94 Version 1.2 issued with the following changes: a. Fixed a bug whereby Moving Accounts didn't update Standing Orders. b. Fixed the bug involving Creating New Groups. c. Program now senses a change of date, so will update Standing Orders even if you haven't shut the program down. d. Added ability to remove last line from Petrol screen. e. Recognise "SHARES" as well as "Shares". f. Allowed 'Stocks' instead of 'Shares', for the USA. g. Expanded display of Shares to allow prices >10. h. Now allows Share numbers >32767. i. Allows you to define the maximum currency value you can input. j. New smaller font option to allow display of millions of lira ! l. Optional comma or fullstop separator in currencies. m. Added an option to reset Start date for Share History file. n. An Overwrite/Append option when archiving transactions. o. Recoded the file handling to prevent a crash if a disk gets full. p. Recoded the Scrolling Routines to speed it up. q. Fixed a bug associated with importing Quicken values >1000. r. Balance now correctly calculated if the 50-entry limit was exceeded. s. Added total window and status column to Budget screen. t. Added option to update share history one at a time, u. Added option to delete last line if a mistake was made. v. Compressed the program to save about 10K of room. (Grateful thanks to David Palmer and Ferret Information Systems for AKA) 20 Nov 94 Version 1.2d issued as a final bug fix to V1.2. (1.2a, b & c were issued to fix bugs as they were found) a. Fixed a bug whereby looking ahead with a Group that had a 'Shares' account with auto-update selected didn't work. b. Fixed a couple of bugs associated with importing QIF files from USA. c. Made the 'About' screen work. d. Stopped accidental overwrite of an Archive file. 14 Dec 94 Version 1.3 issued with the following changes: a. Redesigned as Modular, so that you only load the modules you require. b. Added the first additional module to check your 'House Contents'. c. Screen refreshes now MUCH faster. d. Implementation of the 'Home' and 'End' keys to complement 'PgUp' & 'PgDn'. e. Option to have a Balance displayed after the deferred options. f. Length of Transaction and Standing Orders description increased. g. If Group is Password protected, program now senses auto-switch off or reselection of program, and prompts for the Password. h. Option to switch Warning 'Beep' on/off. i. 'Gas' and 'Petrol' are now configurable through the Terminology menu. j. Option to have non-integer Share holdings for Unit Trusts. k. Option to have a different number of decimal places for Share price. l. Option to set up default transactions to save time when entering. m. Option of having automatically incrementing cheque numbers. n. Option to have a horizontal line in the transaction screen. o. Pressing first letter of Account name selects account. p. Option to export in USA version of Quicken (MM/DD/YY). q. Option to put a different value for the first payment of a S/O. r. Option to have 'last day of month' as a period for Standing Order. s. Search routine in Archive screen can now operate from current record. t. Option to specify number of decimal places in display. u. Option to remove an Account from the 'Net Worth' calculation. v. Changed Petrol coding to allow car names containing spaces. w. Allowed Petrol prices greater than 4.0 (Sorry Norway !!) x. New option to have final column in Budget screen show 'Spend'. y. Fixed a Bug in Standing Orders which caused a 'crash' in Jan, Mar, May, Aug, Oct if you put a monthly order in dated 31st of the month. z. When you go into a Transaction screen, today's balance is highlighted. aa. When in the look ahead mode, you can now Enter/Update/Delete transactions to allow you to do some 'what if' scenarios for budgeting purposes. ab. Added an 'Edit memo' feature as in the Agenda 'To-Do' list. ac. If Auto-Share updating is selected, highlighting Shares in the Accounts screen and pressing takes you into the Shares module. ad. Option to have 'Initial Balance' or 'Current Balance' in transaction screen. ae. Added option to creating an archive file from within the Transaction screen. af. Changed the 'Archive/Delete' dialog to 'Archive/Remove' ag. Added an opening message confirming registration. 1 Feb 95 Version 1.4 issued with the following changes: a. The Budget Planning module was incorporated. b. The Utility Tracker module was incorporated. c. The method of selecting the Petrol entry for updating is changed to be consistent with the rest of the program and the Enter/Update dialogues made more logical. d. The design of the Archive is improved, so that the display mirrors that of the Transaction screen. e. Option to automatically credit/debit an estimated interest was added. f. Incorporated a 'Pay Bills' option similar to that used in Microsoft Money. g. Added the option of a Budget Filter in the Transaction and Archive screens. h. Automatic Cheque number incrementing now allows a number for each account. i. Made the initial highlight position configurable. j. Incorporated an option to export 'Initial Balance' in a Quicken export. k. Standing Order operation speeded up by over 300% l. Passwords are now not case-sensitive. m. The 'Look Ahead' mode now has the option of selecting a single account. n. Program now checks the available memory after starting, and flags up a warning if it's a bit low. o. The word 'cheque' is now configurable to 'check' via Terminology menu. p. The option of a total window display in the Budget module is now available. q. Each account can now be allocated a Credit Limit, and a warning will show if this is exceeded. r. Made the Currency convertor available in all windows. s. Added an Option to override decimal place setting for Currencies. t. Added the apostrophe as another option for currency separator. u. Added an option to inverse currency rate display. 08 Apr 95 V1.4d issued to sweep up the minor bugs identified in V1.4 07 May 95 V1.4e issued to cure a bug in 'Look Ahead'.