OPLObjectFile** slidedit.DBF \SLIDES\ CHOICEE% CHOICEA% CHOICED% SLIDE SHOWV2XK Unregistered NOXEJASPZDVG \SLIDES\.DBF O.hD[| File+ New fileOn+ Open fileOo+ ExitOx Operations+ Add a slideOa+ Edit this slideOe+ Delete this slideOd+ Preview this slideOvh+ Jump to a slideOjh+ Sort slideshowOs Special+ PreferencesOp+ About SLIDE Register SLIDEOg Special+ PreferencesOp+ About SLIDE \GC[# \SLATTED \BRICKED \JAZZY \NULL VANISH +2Enter slide details, ENTER to accept, ESC to abort Title: Title height:+ Double,Single Text: Hint: Hint location:++Bottom right,Bottom Left,Top Left,Top Right Graphic:+)PIC file,Slatted,Bricked,Jazzy,No graphic Sound:+!WVE file,Built-in effect,No sound +8Verifying file paths ... Choose related files for slide Slide ref: \PIC\*.PIC \PIC\*.PIC Picture file:OH + Display: +>Intelligent sizing/planing,Force normal black/grey and centred \WVE\*.WVE \WVE\*.WVE Sound file:OH Confirm exit options for slide Pause before exit (seconds):O Screen clear:+&Instant,Left wipe,Top wipe,Fade,Vanish Jump to slide + Slide No:On+ Slide Ref:Or+ Search slideshowOs On@[A Slide no. to jump to: O Slide ref. to jump to: Found slide ref. in slide no. KW not found!K Slide search clue to look for: Found in slide no. KW not found!K Choice Slide Registered to T|WBx O0PHO T|WBx O0PHO + Open file File:O \slides\ Create new file File:O Creating new fileO CHOICEX% O h@`[ Flash alert! +6Please note that slide shows cannot really be preparedO +4on Flash disk, as the re-ordering that is constantlyO +'necessary leads to enormous file sizes!O +)SLIDEDIT has opened the file, but you areO +(strongly recommended to open a file on aO non-Flash disk instead!O Disk alert! +'You are trying to open a file on a diskO +(other than a RAM disk! SLIDE will try toO +.continue, but the results may not be reliable!O ContinueO About SLIDE +!Released as shareware in May1995.O (C) UK 1995 Steve LitchfieldO slitchfield@cix.compulink.co.ukO SLIDE error Sorting slides ... Preferences +#Auto-sort slides after every change+ Off,On SLIDE +2To register this program, remove the welcome 'nag'O +'screen and support the shareware scene,O +(please send the appropriate registrationO +0fee to Steve Litchfield, 8 Grove Farm, Mytchett,O Surrey GU16 6AQ England. O +$Home users - 10. Business use - +2Overseas users can send dollars or francs in cash.O Unregistered - please wait! Saving settings ... M:\OPD\SLIDEDIT.SET( +2There was a problem in saving the 'Settings' file,O +-'M:\OPD\SLIDEDIT.SET'. If this is because youO +0intentionally made this file Read Only, then OK.O +0Otherwise, you need to check the file attributesO +.on 'M:\OPD\SLIDEDIT.SET' ... As a last resort,O +"try deleting this file altogether.O M:\OPD\SLIDEDIT.SETW No settings file exists M:\OPD\SLIDEDIT.SETO +1There was a problem accessing your settings file,O +.'M:\OPD\SLIDEDIT.SET' ... I will try to deleteO +1this file and continue. If this happens more thanO +/once, then please contact the author for a fix!O M:\OPD\SLIDEDIT.SET M:\SLIDES\SLIDHELP.RSC A:\SLIDES\SLIDHELP.RSC B:\SLIDES\SLIDHELP.RSC +!Help file has not been installed! Nothing to delete! +4This function will only work once you've registered! +&Are you sure you want to delete slide + YesOy+ On@`[ \GC[. .PICK .WVEK OP<`[ tC`[G lC`[G fC`[r O24[V |RWBQx |RWBQx O(O(O O(O(O vC`[m O 4[] Picture + does not exist!KO Sound file + does not exist!KO Please wait a moment ... M:\OPD \SLIDE.REG A:\OPD B:\OPD O[@[ Unregistered You are already registered! SLIDE 2.x register: Code: M:\OPD\SLIDE.REG( SLIDE registration:K Thankyou for registering!O +"Deleting of slides is now enabled!O SLIDE registration:K +&Unfortunately your attempt to registerO +*failed! Did you type the code in properly?O M:\OPD\SLIDE.REGW M:\OPD\SLIDE.REG +8Unregistered copy. This is shareware, not free software!O +/If you continue to use SLIDE you MUST register.O +2Registration removes this screen and allows you toO +3delete slides from the main screen and is as simpleO +8as typing in a special key code. Registration also helpsO +4support future development. To register, please sendO +6UKP 10.00 to Steve Litchfield, 8 Grove Farm, Mytchett,O +:Surrey GU16 6AQ (England), stating which version you have.O M:\PIC\ A:\PIC\ B:\PIC\ M:\SLIDES\ A:\SLIDES\ B:\SLIDES\ M:\WVE\ A:\WVE\ B:\WVE\ M:\SLIDES\ A:\SLIDES\ B:\SLIDES\ CHOICEE% CHOICEJ% CHOICEO% CHOICEN%X CHOICEX%K CHOICEA% CHOICEZ% CHOICES% CHOICEP%8 CHOICED% CHOICEV% CHOICEG%