Initial commands

Initial commands can appear only before the | line.
The |filecontents| environment is intended for bundling within a single document file the contents of packages, options, or other files. When the document file is run through LATEX2e<#168#><#168#> the body of this environment is written verbatim (preceded by a comment line) to a file whose name is given as the environment's only argument. However, if that file already exists then nothing happens except for an information message. Only normal ASCII text characters (i.e.~7-bit visible text) should be included in a |filecontents| environment. Anything else, such as tab characters, form-feeds or 8-bit characters, should not be included in a |filecontents| environment. Tabs and form feeds produce a warning, explaining that they are turned into spaces or blank lines, respectively. What happens to 8-bit characters depends on the TEX<#169#><#169#> installation and is in general unpredictable. The |filecontents| environment is used for including LATEX<#170#><#170#> files. For other plain text files (such as Encapsulated PostScript files), you should use the |filecontents*| environment which does not add a comment line. These environments are allowed only before |. This ensures that any packages that have been bundled in the document are present when needed.