Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax12.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE Edit; (** CAS/MH/HM 27.4.1994 / NW 15.11.94 **) IMPORT Modules, Oberon, Display, Viewers, MenuViewers, Fonts, Printer, Texts, TextFrames, ParcElems, TextPrinter; CONST Menu = "^Edit.Menu.Text System.Close System.Copy System.Grow Edit.Search Edit.Replace Edit.Parcs Edit.Store "; OptionChar = "/"; mm =; Unit = TextPrinter.Unit; Scale = mm DIV 10; (*unit of user setable attributes is 1/10 mm*) headerX = 15 * mm DIV Unit; headerW = 165 * mm DIV Unit; bodyX = 15 * mm DIV Unit; bodyY = 15 * mm DIV Unit; bodyW = 165 * mm DIV Unit; MaxPat = 128; CR = 0DX; R: Texts.Reader; W: Texts.Writer; mnam: ARRAY 12*3 + 1 OF CHAR; find: RECORD time, len: LONGINT; buf: ARRAY MaxPat OF CHAR END; repl: RECORD time: LONGINT; buf: Texts.Buffer END; PROCEDURE Ch (ch: CHAR); BEGIN Texts.Write(W, ch); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END Ch; PROCEDURE Str (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN Texts.WriteString(W, s); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END Str; PROCEDURE Int (n: LONGINT); BEGIN Texts.Write(W, " "); Texts.WriteInt(W, n, 0); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END Int; PROCEDURE Ln; BEGIN Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END Ln; PROCEDURE Min (x, y: LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN IF x < y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Min; PROCEDURE AppendNum (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: INTEGER; n: LONGINT); VAR j: INTEGER; digits: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN j := 0; REPEAT digits[j] := CHR(n MOD 10 + 30H); INC(j); n := n DIV 10 UNTIL n = 0; REPEAT DEC(j); s[i] := digits[j]; INC(i) UNTIL j = 0; s[i] := 0X END AppendNum; PROCEDURE AppendDate (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); (*s := s & " (dd mmm yy)"*) VAR time, date: LONGINT; i, j, k, m: INTEGER; BEGIN Oberon.GetClock(time, date); i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; s[i] := " "; s[i + 1] := " "; s[i + 2] := " "; s[i + 3] := "("; INC(i, 4); AppendNum(s, i, date MOD 20H); s[i] := " "; INC(i); m := SHORT((date DIV 20H) MOD 10H); k := m * 3; j := k - 3; REPEAT s[i] := mnam[j]; INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL j = k; s[i] := " "; INC(i); AppendNum(s, i, (date DIV 200H) MOD 100); s[i] := ")"; s[i + 1] := 0X END AppendDate; PROCEDURE ShowAliens (t: Texts.Text); VAR R: Texts.Reader; identify: Texts.IdentifyMsg; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, t, 0); Texts.ReadElem(R); WHILE ~R.eot DO identify.mod[31] := 0X; R.elem.handle(R.elem, identify); IF identify.mod[31] = 1X THEN Ln; Str("pos"); Int(Texts.Pos(R) - 1); Str(" unknown element allocator: "); Str(identify.mod); Ch("."); Str(identify.proc) END; Texts.ReadElem(R) END; IF W.buf.len > 0 THEN Ln; Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END END ShowAliens; (* view support *) PROCEDURE ShowPos (F: TextFrames.Frame; pos: LONGINT); VAR beg, end, delta: LONGINT; BEGIN delta := 200; LOOP beg :=; end := TextFrames.Pos(F, F.X + F.W, F.Y); IF (beg <= pos) & (pos < end) OR (delta = 0) THEN EXIT END; TextFrames.Show(F, pos - delta); delta := delta DIV 2 END END ShowPos; PROCEDURE SetCaret (F: TextFrames.Frame; pos: LONGINT); BEGIN Oberon.PassFocus(Viewers.This(F.X, F.Y)); TextFrames.SetCaret(F, pos) END SetCaret; PROCEDURE NewView (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; class: INTEGER; T: Texts.Text; org: LONGINT): TextFrames.Frame; VAR V: MenuViewers.Viewer; F, M: TextFrames.Frame; i, x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN IF class = Texts.String THEN i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; name[i] := 22X; INC(i); name[i] := 0X; WHILE i >= 0 DO name[i+1] := name[i]; DEC(i) END; name[0] := 22X END; F := TextFrames.NewText(T, org); Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); M := TextFrames.NewMenu(name, Menu); V := MenuViewers.New(M, F, TextFrames.menuH, x, y); ShowPos(F, org); RETURN F END NewView; (* search & replace *) PROCEDURE Find (T: Texts.Text; beg: LONGINT; VAR end: LONGINT); VAR i, j, b, e: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; ref: ARRAY MaxPat OF CHAR; (*ref [b..e) is readback buffer*) BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, beg); Texts.Read(R, ch); i := 0; ref[0] := ch; j := 0; b := 0; e := 1; WHILE ~R.eot & (i < find.len) DO IF (find.buf[i] = ch) OR (find.buf[i] = 0FFX) & ((ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (ch < "A") OR (ch > "Z") & (ch < "a") OR (ch > "z")) THEN INC(i); j := (j + 1) MOD MaxPat ELSE i := 0; b := (b + 1) MOD MaxPat; j := b END; IF j # e THEN ch := ref[j] ELSE Texts.Read(R, ch); ref[j] := ch; e := (e + 1) MOD MaxPat; INC(beg); END END; IF i = find.len THEN end := beg ELSE end := -1 END END Find; PROCEDURE Check (T: Texts.Text; beg: LONGINT): BOOLEAN; VAR ch: CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; IF (beg >= 0) & (find.len > 0) THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, beg); Texts.Read(R, ch); WHILE ~R.eot & (i < find.len) & (ch = find.buf[i]) DO Texts.Read(R, ch); INC(i) END; END; RETURN i = find.len END Check; PROCEDURE SetReplBuf; VAR T: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(T, beg, end, time); IF time > repl.time THEN repl.time := time; Texts.OpenBuf(repl.buf); Texts.Save(T, beg, end, repl.buf) END END SetReplBuf; PROCEDURE Subst (T: Texts.Text; beg: LONGINT; VAR end: LONGINT); BEGIN Texts.Delete(T, beg, beg + find.len); IF repl.buf.len > 0 THEN end := beg + repl.buf.len; Texts.Insert(T, beg, repl.buf); Texts.Save(T, beg, end, repl.buf) END END Subst; (* arguments *) PROCEDURE MarkedFrame (): TextFrames.Frame; VAR V: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN V := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (V # NIL) & (V IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN RETURN ELSE RETURN NIL END END MarkedFrame; PROCEDURE FocusFrame (): TextFrames.Frame; VAR V: Viewers.Viewer; f: Display.Frame; BEGIN V := Oberon.FocusViewer; IF (V # NIL) & (V IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & (V.dsc # NIL) THEN f :=; IF (f # NIL) & (f IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN RETURN f(TextFrames.Frame) ELSE RETURN NIL END ELSE RETURN NIL END END FocusFrame; PROCEDURE TargetFrame (): TextFrames.Frame; (*body frame or focus frame*) VAR f: Display.Frame; BEGIN IF Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc = Oberon.Par.frame THEN f :=; IF (f # NIL) & (f IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN RETURN f(TextFrames.Frame) ELSE RETURN NIL END ELSE RETURN FocusFrame() END END TargetFrame; PROCEDURE GetMainArg (VAR S: Texts.Scanner; VAR end: LONGINT); (*takes recent selection if ^*) VAR text: Texts.Text; beg, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.Scan(S); end := MAX(LONGINT); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) END END; IF S.line # 0 THEN S.class := Texts.Inval END END GetMainArg; PROCEDURE GetArg (VAR S: Texts.Scanner); (*takes selection in command frame if ^*) VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") THEN F := Oberon.Par.frame(TextFrames.Frame); IF F.hasSel THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, F.text, F.selbeg.pos); Texts.Scan(S); F.time := 0; END END END GetArg; PROCEDURE Change (sel: SET); VAR S: Texts.Scanner; fnt: Fonts.Font; text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; col, off: SHORTINT; BEGIN GetArg(S); Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN IF (sel = {0}) & (S.class = Texts.Name) THEN fnt := Fonts.This(S.s) ELSIF (sel = {1}) & (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) & (S.i < 16) THEN col := SHORT(SHORT(S.i)) ELSIF (sel = {2}) & (S.class = Texts.Int) & (-128 <= S.i) & (S.i < 128) THEN off := SHORT(SHORT(S.i)) ELSE sel := {} END; IF sel # {} THEN Texts.ChangeLooks(text, beg, end, sel, fnt, col, off) END END END Change; (* commands *) PROCEDURE Locate*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; F: TextFrames.Frame; text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN F := MarkedFrame(); Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S); WHILE (S.class # Texts.Int) & (S.line = 0) & ~S.eot DO Texts.Scan(S) END; IF (F # NIL) & (S.class = Texts.Int) & (S.line = 0) THEN ShowPos(F, S.i); SetCaret(F, S.i) END END; END Locate; PROCEDURE Search*; VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; T: Texts.Text; i, beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(T, beg, end, time); F := TargetFrame(); IF time > find.time THEN find.time := time; find.len := Min(end - beg, MaxPat); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, beg); i := 0; REPEAT Texts.Read(R, find.buf[i]); INC(i) UNTIL i = find.len END; IF F # NIL THEN IF F.hasCar THEN beg := F.carloc.pos ELSE beg := 0 END; Find(F.text, beg, end); IF end >= 0 THEN ShowPos(F, end); SetCaret(F, end) ELSE TextFrames.RemoveCaret(F) END; TextFrames.RemoveSelection(F) END END Search; PROCEDURE Show*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; F: TextFrames.Frame; text: Texts.Text; i, j, beg, end, time: LONGINT; name: ARRAY Modules.ModNameLen + 4 OF CHAR; BEGIN text := Oberon.Par.text; beg := Oberon.Par.pos; end := Oberon.Par.text.len; time := Oberon.Time(); Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") OR (S.line > 0) THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) END END; IF (time >= 0) & (S.class = Texts.Name) THEN i := 0; WHILE (S.s[i] # 0X) & (S.s[i] # ".") DO name[i] := S.s[i]; INC(i) END; IF i < Modules.ModNameLen THEN name[i] := "."; name[i+1] := "M"; name[i+2] := "o"; name[i+3] := "d"; name[i+4] := 0X; find.len := 0; j := i + 1; WHILE S.s[j] # 0X DO find.buf[find.len] := S.s[j]; INC(find.len); INC(j) END; find.buf[find.len] := 0FFX; INC(find.len); find.time := time; text := TextFrames.Text(name); Find(text, 0, end); IF end < 0 THEN end := 0 END; F := NewView(name, Texts.Name, text, end); IF end > 0 THEN SetCaret(F, end) END END END END Show; PROCEDURE Recall*; VAR B: Texts.Buffer; copyover: Oberon.CopyOverMsg; BEGIN Texts.Recall(B); IF B # NIL THEN copyover.beg := 0; copyover.end := B.len; copyover.text := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Append(copyover.text, B); Oberon.FocusViewer.handle(Oberon.FocusViewer, copyover) END END Recall; PROCEDURE ClearReplaceBuffer*; BEGIN Texts.OpenBuf(repl.buf) END ClearReplaceBuffer; PROCEDURE Replace*; VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; T: Texts.Text; beg, end: LONGINT; BEGIN F := TargetFrame(); SetReplBuf; IF (F # NIL) & F.hasCar THEN T := F.text; end := F.carloc.pos; beg := end - find.len; TextFrames.RemoveSelection(F); IF Check(T, beg) THEN Subst(T, beg, end) END; Find(T, end, beg); IF beg >= 0 THEN ShowPos(F, beg); SetCaret(F, beg) ELSE TextFrames.RemoveCaret(F) END END END Replace; PROCEDURE ReplaceAll*; VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; T: Texts.Text; beg, end: LONGINT; BEGIN F := TargetFrame(); SetReplBuf; IF (F # NIL) & F.hasCar THEN T := F.text; end := F.carloc.pos; beg := end - find.len; TextFrames.RemoveSelection(F); IF Check(T, beg) THEN Subst(T, beg, end) END; LOOP Find(T, end, beg); IF beg < 0 THEN EXIT END; Subst(T, beg - find.len, end) END END END ReplaceAll; PROCEDURE ChangeFont*; BEGIN Change({0}) END ChangeFont; PROCEDURE ChangeColor*; BEGIN Change({1}) END ChangeColor; PROCEDURE ChangeOffset*; BEGIN Change({2}) END ChangeOffset; PROCEDURE ChangeBackgroundColor*; VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; m: MenuViewers.ModifyMsg; S: Texts.Scanner; H: INTEGER; BEGIN F := MarkedFrame(); IF F # NIL THEN GetArg(S); IF S.class = Texts.Int THEN F.col := SHORT(SHORT(S.i)); := MenuViewers.extend; m.Y := F.Y; H := F.H; m.H := 0; F.handle(F, m); (*suspend*) m.H := H; F.handle(F, m) (*extend*) END END END ChangeBackgroundColor; PROCEDURE InsertParc*; VAR copy: Texts.CopyMsg; insert: TextFrames.InsertElemMsg; BEGIN TextFrames.defParc.handle(TextFrames.defParc, copy); insert.e := copy.e; Oberon.FocusViewer.handle(Oberon.FocusViewer, insert) END InsertParc; PROCEDURE Parcs*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; V: Viewers.Viewer; F: TextFrames.Frame; um: TextFrames.UpdateMsg; end: LONGINT; R: Texts.Reader; BEGIN IF Oberon.Par.frame # Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.line = 0) & (S.c = "*") THEN V := Oberon.MarkedViewer() ELSE V := NIL END ELSE V := Oberon.Par.vwr END; IF (V # NIL) & (V IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN F :=; F.showsParcs := ~ F.showsParcs; Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text,; Texts.ReadElem(R); end := TextFrames.Pos(F, F.X + F.W, F.Y); WHILE (Texts.Pos(R) <= end) & (R.elem # NIL) & ~(R.elem IS TextFrames.Parc) DO Texts.ReadElem(R) END; IF (R.elem # NIL) & (R.elem IS TextFrames.Parc) & (Texts.Pos(R) <= end) THEN := Texts.replace; um.text := F.text; um.end := end; um.beg := Texts.Pos(R)-1; F.handle(F, um) END END END Parcs; PROCEDURE Open*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; F: TextFrames.Frame; end: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); GetMainArg(S, end); IF (S.class = Texts.Name) OR (S.class = Texts.String) THEN F := NewView(S.s, S.class, TextFrames.Text(S.s), 0); ShowAliens(F.text) END END Open; PROCEDURE Store*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; R: Texts.Reader; V: Viewers.Viewer; T: Texts.Text; ch: CHAR; BEGIN V := NIL; IF Oberon.Par.frame = Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc THEN V := Oberon.Par.vwr ELSIF Oberon.Pointer.on THEN V := Oberon.MarkedViewer() END; IF (V # NIL) & (V IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & (V.dsc IS TextFrames.Frame) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, V.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Name) OR (S.class = Texts.String) THEN Str("Edit.Store "); Str(S.s); T :=; Texts.Close(T, S.s); Int(T.len); Ln; T := V.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text; Texts.OpenReader(R, T, T.len - 1); Texts.Read(R, ch); IF ch = "!" THEN Texts.Delete(T, T.len - 1, T.len) END END END END Store; PROCEDURE Set*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; R: Texts.Reader; text: Texts.Text; P: TextFrames.Parc; msg: ParcElems.StateMsg; pos, beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN GetArg(S); Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, text, beg); REPEAT Texts.ReadElem(R); pos := Texts.Pos(R); IF ~R.eot & (pos <= end) & (R.elem IS TextFrames.Parc) THEN := ParcElems.set; msg.pos := pos - 1; msg.frame := NIL; msg.par := S; msg.log := Oberon.Log; P := R.elem(TextFrames.Parc); P.handle(P, msg); END UNTIL R.eot OR (pos > end) ELSE Str("Edit.Set failed (no parc selected)"); Ln END END Set; PROCEDURE Get*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; R: Texts.Reader; text: Texts.Text; P: TextFrames.Parc; pos, beg, end, time: LONGINT; msg: ParcElems.StateMsg; BEGIN GetArg(S); Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, text, beg); Texts.ReadElem(R); pos := Texts.Pos(R); IF ~R.eot & (pos <= end) & (R.elem IS TextFrames.Parc) THEN Str("Edit.Set ^ "); := ParcElems.get; msg.pos := pos - 1; msg.frame := NIL; msg.par := S; msg.log := Oberon.Log; P := R.elem(TextFrames.Parc); P.handle(P, msg) ELSE Str("Edit.Get failed (no parc selected)") END ELSE Str("Edit.Get failed (no parc selected)") END; END Get; PROCEDURE Print*; VAR S, S1: Texts.Scanner; V: Viewers.Viewer; F: TextFrames.Frame; end: LONGINT; draft: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE PrintText(VAR S: Texts.Scanner; T: Texts.Text; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; draft: BOOLEAN); CONST headerLen = 128; VAR pos, len: LONGINT; ch: CHAR; hx, hy, hw, bx, by, bw, bh, i, k: INTEGER; nofcopies, pno, first, last, arab: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; label, labelfirst, alt: BOOLEAN; header: ARRAY headerLen OF CHAR; BEGIN hx := headerX; hw := headerW; hy := SHORT((LONG(Printer.PageHeight) * Unit - 17 * mm) DIV Unit); bx := bodyX; by := bodyY; bw := bodyW; bh := SHORT((LONG(Printer.PageHeight) * Unit - 37 * mm) DIV Unit); nofcopies := 1; pno := 0; first := 0; last := 10000; arab := 1; label := TRUE; labelfirst := TRUE; alt := FALSE; header[0] := 0X; fnt := Fonts.Default; Texts.Scan(S); WHILE (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = OptionChar) DO Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class = Texts.Name THEN ch := CAP(S.s[0]); IF ch # "H" THEN Texts.Scan(S) END; IF ch = "A" THEN alt := TRUE ELSIF (ch = "C") & (S.class = Texts.Int) & (1 <= S.i) & (S.i < 10) THEN nofcopies := SHORT(S.i); Texts.Scan(S) ELSIF (ch = "F") & (S.class = Texts.Name) THEN fnt := Fonts.This(S.s); Texts.Scan(S) ELSIF ch = "H" THEN REPEAT Texts.Read(S, ch) UNTIL (ch > " ") OR S.eot; IF ch = 22X THEN i := 0; (* read string *) REPEAT Texts.Read(S, ch); header[i] := ch; INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 22X) OR (ch = CR); header[i-1] := 0X; Texts.Read(S, ch); (*COPY(S.s, header); Texts.Scan(S)*) ELSE COPY(name, header); AppendDate(header) END; S.nextCh := ch; Texts.Scan(S); ELSIF ch = "M" THEN (*margin options*) IF S.class = Texts.Name THEN ch := CAP(S.s[0]); Texts.Scan(S); i := 0; WHILE (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) DO k := SHORT(S.i * Scale DIV TextPrinter.Unit); INC(i); Texts.Scan(S); IF ch = "H" THEN IF i = 1 THEN hx := k ELSIF i = 2 THEN hy := k ELSIF i = 3 THEN hw := k END ELSIF ch = "B" THEN IF i = 1 THEN bx := k ELSIF i = 2 THEN by := k ELSIF i = 3 THEN bw := k ELSIF i = 4 THEN bh := k END END END END ELSIF ch = "P" THEN (*page numbering options*) IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) THEN pno := SHORT(S.i); first := pno; Texts.Scan(S) ELSIF S.class = Texts.Name THEN ch := CAP(S.s[0]); Texts.Scan(S); IF ch = "F" THEN labelfirst := FALSE ELSIF ch = "N" THEN label := FALSE ELSIF ch = "R" THEN arab := -1; IF first = 0 THEN pno := 1; first := 1 END END END ELSIF (ch = "S") & (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) THEN first := SHORT(S.i); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) THEN last := SHORT(S.i); Texts.Scan(S) ELSE last := first END END END END; Ch(" "); Str(name); Int(nofcopies); Ch(" "); IF draft THEN TextPrinter.PrintDraft(T, name, nofcopies) ELSE pos := 0; len := T.len; WHILE (pos < len) & (pno <= last) & (Printer.res = 0) DO IF (first <= pno) & label & labelfirst THEN TextPrinter.PlaceHeader(hx, hy, hw, arab*pno, fnt, header, alt) END; TextPrinter.PlaceBody(bx, by, bw, bh, T, pos, pno, (first <= pno) & (pno <= last)); IF first <= pno THEN Printer.Page(nofcopies); Ch(".") ELSE Ch("'") END; INC(pno); labelfirst := TRUE END END; Ln END PrintText; BEGIN Str("Edit.Print "); Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF ((S.class = Texts.Name) OR (S.class = Texts.String)) & (S.line = 0) THEN Str(S.s); Printer.Open(S.s, Oberon.User, Oberon.Password); TextPrinter.InitFonts; IF Printer.res = 0 THEN GetMainArg(S, end); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "%") THEN draft := TRUE; Texts.Scan(S) ELSE draft := FALSE END; IF Oberon.Par.frame = Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc THEN F := Oberon.Par.frame(TextFrames.Frame); IF ( # NIL) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S1, F.text, 0); Texts.Scan(S1); PrintText(S,, S1.s, draft) END ELSIF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "*") THEN V := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (V IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S1, V.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0); Texts.Scan(S1); IF S1.class # Texts.Name THEN S1.s[0] := "*"; S1.s[1] := 0X END; PrintText(S,, S1.s, draft) ELSE Str(" failed (bad * marker)"); Ln END ELSIF S.class = Texts.Name THEN REPEAT PrintText(S, TextFrames.Text(S.s), S.s, draft) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.class # Texts.Name) OR (Texts.Pos(S) > end) ELSE Ln END; Printer.Close ELSE Str(" failed ("); IF Printer.res = 1 THEN Str("no such printer)") ELSIF Printer.res = 2 THEN Str("no link)") ELSIF Printer.res = 3 THEN Str("printer not ready)") ELSIF Printer.res = 4 THEN Str("no permission)") ELSE Str("res ="); Int(Printer.res); Str(" ?)") END; Ln END ELSE Str("failed (no printer specified)"); Ln END END Print; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W); mnam := "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; find.time := -1; find.len := 0; repl.time := -1; NEW(repl.buf); Texts.OpenBuf(repl.buf) END Edit.