Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (1L)
Updated: GNU Text Utilities
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pr - convert text files for printing
[+PAGE] [-COLUMN] [-abcdfFmrtv] [-e[in-tab-char[in-tab-width]]]
[-h header] [-i[out-tab-char[out-tab-width]]] [-l page-length]
[-n[number-separator[digits]]] [-o left-margin]
[-s[column-separator]] [-w page-width] [--help] [--version] [file...]
This manual page
documents the GNU version of
prints on the standard output a paginated and optionally multicolumn
copy of the text files given on the command line, or of the standard
input if no files are given or when the file name `-' is encountered.
Form feeds in the input cause page breaks in the output.
Begin printing with page PAGE.
Produce COLUMN-column output and print columns down. The column
width is automatically decreased as COLUMN increases; unless you
use the -w option to increase the page width as well, this
option might cause some columns to be truncated.
- -a
Print columns across rather than down.
- -b
Balance columns on the last page.
- -c
Print control characters using hat notation (e.g., `^G'); print other
unprintable characters in octal backslash notation.
- -d
Double space the output.
- -e[in-tab-char[in-tab-width]]
Expand tabs to spaces on input. Optional argument in-tab-char
is the input tab character, default tab. Optional argument
in-tab-width is the input tab character's width, default 8.
- -F, -f
Use a formfeed instead of newlines to separate output pages.
- -h header
Replace the filename in the header with the string header.
- --help
Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
- -i[out-tab-char[out-tab-width]]
Replace spaces with tabs on output. Optional argument
out-tab-char is the output tab character, default tab.
Optional argument out-tab-width is the output tab character's
width, default 8.
- -l page-length
Set the page length to page-length lines. The default is 66.
If page-length is less than 10, the headers and footers are
omitted, as if the -t option had been given.
- -m
Print all files in parallel, one in each column.
- -n[number-separator[digits]]
Precede each column with a line number; with parallel files, precede
each line with a line number. Optional argument
number-separator is the character to print after each number,
default tab. Optional argument digits is the number of digits
per line number, default 5.
- -o left-margin
Offset each line with a margin left-margin spaces wide. The
total page width is this offset plus the width set with the -w
- -r
Do not print a warning message when an argument file cannot be opened.
Failure to open a file still makes the exit status nonzero, however.
- -s[column-separator]
Separate columns by the single character column-separator,
default tab, instead of spaces.
- -t
Do not print the 5-line header and the 5-line trailer that are
normally on each page, and do not fill out the bottoms of pages (with
blank lines or formfeeds).
- -v
Print unprintable characters in octal backslash notation.
- --version
Print version information on standard output then exit.
- -w page-width
Set the page width to page-width columns. The default is 72.
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using the manual pages.
Time: 13:10:43 GMT, August 30, 2024