A TEXuser, who only has two diskdrives and no harddisk, might get his act together in the following manner:
On the first disk the Workbench resides with the programs necessary, like <#435#>virtex<#435#> and <#436#>showdvi<#436#>. On the second disk the tfm files and the format files needed by <#437#>virtex<#437#> should be copied. Plus a directory with fontlibraries, which only contains the fonts which are rally needed all the time. Apart from these a directory <#438#>TeX:pk<#438#> has to exist on this disk, in which the <#439#>fontvols<#439#> file resides. In this file all disks are listed, which contain PK files.
If a font is not found on the working disk now, then the additional
disk needed is requested and the font copies to the directory <#440#>TeX:pk<#440#>. Thus, next time this font will be available immediately.
If, after a period of time, several fonts have been collected into <#441#>TeX:pk<#441#>, then you can enter them into the fontlibraries with the help
of the fontlibrary program <#442#>flib<#442#>. This has the advantage, that
you need somewhat less space on the disk