The logfile is opened in the directory, in which ShowDVI<#486#><#486#> was started, it's name is ``showdvi.log''.
What information does this logfile contain? On one hand warnings like: <#487#>;SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;-- <#487#> configuration file not found, predefined font/fontlibraries not found and erroneous DVI files. Information like: <#488#>;SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;-- <#488#> what fonts were loaded, how much the font memory was stressed, which DVI file was loaded and - with the <#489#>-s<#489#> option set - general statistics about the DVI file and especially about the font-definition file. There, then for example it is indicated, where the particular fonts can be found. And lastly error messages, which caused the ShowDVI<#490#><#490#> program to terminate its activities.