DMake can be called with several keywords, which determine what
it does. These are:
- DMake all
- DMake <executable>
- -generates the executable (Program Name), recompiling
everything that's necessary. The previous errofile (if specified
in VisualMaker) is deleted prior to compilation. Note, if
a full pathname was specified for the executable in
VisualMaker it should also be input here. This is case
- DMake <file>.o
- -generates only the specified object file. Note, if an
output directory was given this will have to be included,
and is also case sensitive.
e.g. OUTDIR = dtmp: , OBJ = main.o
DMake dtmp:main.o and not DTMP:main.o
- DMake <file>.a
- -generates only the specified disassembled file. The same
applies as above.
- DMake clean
- -deletes all object-, precompiled- and error- files.
- DMake cleano
- -only deletes all objectfiles.