Timer Problems

DMake uses the time-stamp of the files to determine whether a recompilation is neccessary. If you do not have a clock, or it doesn't always function properly (mine sometimes sets itself back to Jan-78) in an unlucky case it could happen that a freshly edited dependent file has an older time stamp than its target file, causing DMake not to resolve the dependency (and your bug-fix or added feature not showing up).

e.g. having the following dependancy,

main.o : main.c
dcc main.c -o main.o
say the target main.o already exists from a previous session, in this session your timer misbehaves (setting itself back to the 70's) and you edited main.c, the new file won't be recompiled.

The solution is either

  1. to always check and set the timer before starting a session,
  2. to manually set the date of main.c with Date or touch to something newer than main.o,
  3. just simply by deleting the target main.o.