
VisualMaker is a 'MakeFile' generator for the DiCe compiler package. The program is fully controlled through an Intuition interface and allows compiler options to be set for individual files with just a couple of mouse clicks. All compiler options are supported. The generated DMakefile includes the basic object → source, executable → object dependancies as well as dependancies for all included headers, precompiled headers and errorfile deletion prior to a new run. The output format is such that all files with the same options and headers are arranged in groups and referenced through symbolic names where possible. VisualMaker reads your DCCOPTS environment variable and shows them on the GUI. An option is included for setting this variable.

Header dependancies are obtained through scanning of the source files recursively, so even deeply nested subheaders are found. Every time a headerfile is edited the dependant sources get recompiled. If the precompile option is selected, precompiled headers will be deleted if any of their dependancies are altered, thus causing DiCe to precompile anew. If compiler error output is redirected to a file, this errorfile will be deleted prior to every new compile run.

Only headers included in double quotes (e.g. #include "defs.h") will be searched for (angle brackets should be reserved for system headers). Headers included inside of plain C comments ( /*...*/ ) will be ignored, nested comments are not supported.

The DMakefile itself includes a list of dependancies and commands necessary for creating the executable, the object files, disassembled files, automatic deletion of the Errorfile on startup, and for deletion of objects and preprocessed files.