
Invoke VisualMaker from the directory where you would like the DMakefile to be written to. This is usually the directory containing the brunch of your source files and from where the compiler is started.

The first thing VisualMaker will do after invocation is to read your DCCOPTS environment variable, if found, and activate the corresponding gadgets to reflect your default settings. Choose all the files for your project with the GetFile Gadget in the upper left corner (underneath the Generate Button). This will bring up an ASL FileRequester. You can multiselect files by simultaneously pressing the Shift key. Alternatively you can use the A Button (All) to choose all the files in your current directory in one go. The files will show up in the Source List ListviewGadget. (All files without a .c, .a or .o extension will be filtered out, as well as object files which have a corresponding source). To remove files from the list, select them and press the R Button (Remove). Now you can select your compiler options. The options are divided into two classes, the global compiler options, which are located underneath the Source List Listview gadget, apply to all files in your project (e.g. Resident, Small/Large-Data model), and the local compiler option, above the Source List (proto, –H, Stack, NoProf). These may apply to only particular files (e.g. profiling of only the time critical routines) as well as to all files. To turn on local options select the files in question. To select a single file, press the left mousebutton (LMB) over the file name. To select several files, drag the mouse while keeping the LMB pressed. To select (or unselect) files which are momentarily not in the visible region, drag the mouse over the rim of the gadget while keeping the button pressed. Pressing a local option button now will effect the selected files, showing the option behind the file name. For a comprehensive explanation of the individual compiler options see the DiCe documentation (dcc.doc).

The Program Name defaults to one of the source filenames in the Source List (minus the extension). The name can be easily changed to another source filname by selecting that particular file in the Source List, or of course by typing it into the string gadget. The Errorfile StringGadget specifies the output of compiler (Error)messages which is by default STDOUT. The Output Dir StringGadget determines where the object files are written to. If not specified they are written into the same directory as the source files. The Temporary Dir StringGadget specifies the directory for preprocessed files.

To generate the DMakefile press the Generate Button. All Files will now be scanned, searching for any included headers in double quotes (e.g. #include "defs.h") and, if found, these will be scanned as well, searching for subheaders and so on. Note: headers inside of comments will not be searched. After the file has been written into the current directory the program will exit.

To leave the program without writing the DMakefile, press the Close-Window gadget, or select Exit in the menu.