files in
the 'clib' direrctory have to be included. When compiling with
registered arguments (-mr/-mR/-mRR) prototyping is mandatory.
#include "name.h"
(Notice: Header file in Quotes, not angle brackets) will be precompiled
and placed into the temporary directory (Default: T:) with
the name name.m. This can speed up compilation time tremendously.
In the DMakefile a dependancy will be created, deleting the
precompiled file whenever the corresponding headerfile or any subheaders
included in it are changed causing the compiler to generate a new
precompiled file. To precompile system headers e.g. <stdio.h>
, just include them in a header- or
subheaderfile, not in the source files or replace the angle brackets
with double quotes, but you'll probably have to add an absolute path.