Local Compiler Options

Sets the -proto compiler option, enabling prototype checking. All functions not prototyped will cause an error during compilation. For the amiga library functions, the corresponding *_protos.h files in the 'clib' direrctory have to be included. When compiling with registered arguments (-mr/-mR/-mRR) prototyping is mandatory.

Any header files referenced in the source file with #include "name.h" (Notice: Header file in Quotes, not angle brackets) will be precompiled and placed into the temporary directory (Default: T:) with the name name.m. This can speed up compilation time tremendously.

In the DMakefile a dependancy will be created, deleting the precompiled file whenever the corresponding headerfile or any subheaders included in it are changed causing the compiler to generate a new precompiled file. To precompile system headers e.g. <stdio.h> or <intuition/intuition.h>, just include them in a header- or subheaderfile, not in the source files or replace the angle brackets with double quotes, but you'll probably have to add an absolute path.

Handling of function arguments.

allows normal passing of function arguments via the stack.
cause the compiler to create both a stack and registered argument entry point for functions.
cause the compiler to generate a single registered argument entry point for each function.
as above, but extends registration to indirect function calls.
The registered argument options switch on prototyping automatically, as this is mandatory.

NoProf / –prof1 / –prof2 / –prof3
En-/Disable profiling of either only the source (–prof1), source and clib functions (–prof2) or source, clib and amigalib functions (–prof3). With the latter two options, objects are linked with the corresponding profiling libraries.