- Resident
- Sets the -r compiler option, or if No Reloc Hunk is enabled
the -pr compiler option. This makes the code resident.
- Dynamic Stack
- Sets the -gs compiler option, adding code for automatic stack
allocation if stack falls below a certain limit. (I have encountered
some problems with this option).
- No Reloc Hunk
- Sets either -pi, or -pr if Resident is also enabled, causing
the compiler not to generate a relocation hunk.
- Small Data / Large Data
- Sets the -md / -mD compiler options to create either a small
(PC-relative) data model, or a large (absolute) data model.
- OS 2.0 / OS 3.0 / OS 1.3
- Sets the -2.0 / -3.0 / -1.3 compiler options, telling the linker
with which amiga library to link with.
- C
- Sets the -// comiler option, letting the compiler recognize
style comments.
- Verbose
- Sets the -v compiler option which will show all dcc commands
in STDOUT while executing.
- 68000 / 68020 / 68030
- Sets the -020 / -030 options, specifing the processor for which
the executable is written. (Default 68000)
- Small Code / Large Code
- Sets the -mc / -mC compiler options for either small code
(Default) or large code model.
- –ms0 / –ms1 / –ms2
- –ms0
- only const data is put in code-hunk.
- –ms1
- string constants are also placed in code-hunk.
- –ms2
- as above, but all external const references use near
- –unix
- Objects are linked with the unix libraries.
- –chip
- Force all hunks into chip memory.
- NoCoPro / –881 / –882
- Tells the compiler to produce floatpoint code for corresponding
- –lm
- Objects are linked with the maths library for floatpoint output
printf("%lf", ...)
. By default this is turned on whenever
VisualMaker encounters an "%*lf"
in the source code. See also
the menu options.
- –s
- Add symbolic debugging information in the executable.
- –I0
- Remove default include paths.
- –L0
- Remove default library paths.