The Backpanel

As you've probably noticed, you access this second panel of gadgets by pressing the LMB anywhere inside the window outside of gadget activation areas. The top row of gadgets activates more esoteric options of the compiler and I will not go into these (see dcc.doc). The listview gadgets underneath allow you to specify additional link libraries, library- and include paths. Their functionality is the same as with the Source List.

Link Library
You may specify additional libraries you want to link your code with. Only files with a ".lib" extension are accessible through the library- requester. It is generally not necessary to add a particular model of the standard c-, amiga-, or maths-library here since these are automatically dealt with. (e.g. muis.lib - if you're working on a MUI project).

Library Paths
Specify additional paths (directories) where the compiler should look for libraries if they are not located in the standard DLIB: directory.

Include Paths
Specify additional paths where the compiler should look for include files not found in the standard DINCLUDE: directory. The specified path will also be searched by VisualMaker if it can't find one of your header files either in the current directory or the one the corresponding source file is located in.