| | id cdp family series shape |
Defines id to be a new math alphabet with the default cdp family series shape in all versions (the old || plus encoding scheme). If shape is empty then the id is declared to be invalid in all versions unless overwritten later by a | | command.
Checks that id can be used and that cdp is a valid encoding scheme.
Example: \DeclareMathAlphabet{\foo}{OT1}{cmtt}{m}{n} \DeclareMathAlphabet{\baz}{OT1}{}{}{} (\foo is defined everywhere \baz by default nowhere)
| | id version-name cdp family series shape |
Changes the setting of the math alphabet id in math version version-name to cdpfamilyseriesshape.
Checks that id is a math alphabet, version-name is a math version and cdp is a known encoding scheme.
Example: \SetMathAlphabet\baz{normal}{OT1}{cmss}{m}{n} (now \baz is defined for `normal' only)