Declaring font families

| | cdp family loading-option

Declares a font family family to be available in an encoding scheme cdp. loading-option are declarations that are executed for every font shape of that combination during load time (i.e. once).

Checks if cdp was previously declared.

Example:   \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{cmtt}{\hyphenchar\font=-1}
           (Computer modern typewriter in Cork encoding)

| | cdp family series shape loading-info loading-option

Declares a font shape combination where loading-info contains the information that combines sizes with external fonts. The syntax is complex and I will not dwell on it here, see below. loading-option are as above and allow overwriting the general loading options on family level for this individual shape.

Checks if cdp+family was previously declared via | |.

Example: \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmr}{m}{sl}{%
             <5-8> sub * cmr/m/n
             <8> cmsl8 
             <9> cmsl9
             <10> <10.95> cmsl10
             <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> cmsl12