Encoding schemes

Names for encoding schemes are strings of up to three letters all upper case. Currently the names officially supported by the {\sf NFSS}2 release are:

Encoding Description declared by
T1 TEX text Cork encoding nfdcfnt
OT1 TEX text as defined by Don (more or less) {\sf NFSS}
OT2 TEX text cyrill UW fonts
OT3 IPA University of Washington (AMS encoding)
OML TEX math letters (italic) as defined by Don {\sf NFSS}
OMS TEX math symbol as defined by Don {\sf NFSS}
OMX TEX math extended symbol as defined by Don {\sf NFSS}
U Unknown encoding {\sf NFSS}
This table will be extended in the future if the TEX community, e.g. the national user groups, agree on additional encodings.

Encoding schemes which are local to a site should start with |L|. Please don't use other starting letters for non-portable encodings. Instead, please inform us if a new standard encoding should be added to a later release.