This consist of one or more fontshape-decls having the following form: || ´
fontshape-decl '::=' size-info font-info
size-info '::= "<"' number-or-range '">"'
font-info '::=' [ size-function '"*"' ] '"["' optarg '"]"' fontarg '|' fontarg´||
The number-or-range denotes the size or size-range for which this for which this entry apply. If it contains a hyphen char it is a range: lower bound on the left (if missing zero implied), upper bound to the right of hyphen (if missing |&infin#infty;| implied). For ranges upper bound is *NOT* included in the range, lower bound is.
Examples: <10> simple size: 10pt <-8> range: all sizes less than 8pt <14.4-> range: all sizes greater or equal 14.4pt
If more than one number-or-range entry follows without any intervening font-info they all share the next font-info.
The size-function if present handles the use of font-info. If not present, the `empty' size-function is assumed.
All size-infos are inspected in the order in which they appear in the font shape declaration. If a size-info matches the requested size its size-function is executed. If |@font| is non-empty afterwards this process stops, otherwise the next size-info is inspected. (See also ||.)
If this process doesn't lead to a non-empty |@font|,
tries the nearest simple size.
Implemented functions:
load external font (in fontarg) at user requested size. If optarg present, used as scale-factor.
generates external font from mandatory arg followed by the user requested size, eg |<8> <9> <10> gen * cmtt|
like the `gen' one but no terminal warnings, only loggings.
tries to load font from a different fontshape declaration given by fontarg in form family"/"series"/"shape.
silent variant of sub, only loggings.
like the empty one, but issues a warning, that it has to substitute the external font fontarg because the desired font shape wasn't available in the requested size.
silent variant of subf, only loggings.
load font as is (disregarding user size) from fontarg. If present optarg denotes the ``at'' size to be used.
silent variant of fixed, only loggings.