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The current screen palette (pen color display) is displayed in a
separate window (named "Palette").
The opened/closed state and size (Sm/Lg) of the Palette window is
controlled via the main PaletteTool window.
Within the Palette window, you can optionally select (using the
pointer and the left-mouse-button):
- the pen to be modified by the Red/Grn/Blu sliders
- the pens associated with copy, spread, and exchange actions
- the pen whose color is to be "flashed" by the "Show" button
The currently selected pen is recessed within the palette display.
The Palette window can be positioned independently of the main
PaletteTool window. The location of the Palette window will also
be restored upon un-iconifying.
However, when the Palette window is closed using the "Palette"
button, it will re-open immediately adjacent to the main PaletteTool
Both the "Small" and "Large" palette displays are fixed in size.
Therefore, the displayed size of each pen's color in the palette
decreases as the number of screen pens increases (AKA screen depth).
The pens are displayed in "row sequential form" from left-to-right and
Therefore, the first row in the palette display consists of pens 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, etc.
I was working on a resizable palette display window, but Commodore's
GadTools library does not support a resizable palette gadget. This
means I would have to do a window close/re-open when the user resized
the palette window. After experimenting with this, I decided I didn't
like the way it worked (I hate "working around" things), so I abandoned
that method.