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Version 1.4 Notes
Completed reworked the user interface:
- Moved the palette display to a separate window
- Palette window can be displayed in two (user selectable) sizes
- Added keyboard equivalents
- Palette cycling controls now available on the iconify window
as well as the main control window
Added the (incremental) palette rotation capability
Added the color exchange capability
Added the keyboard equivalents
Reworked major sections of the source code
Version 1.3b Notes
Fixed bug which caused inaccurate color "Spread" to occur while in the
"Protect" palette mode
Version 1.3a Notes
Fixed bug which caused the 3 pointer colors to be skipped on a Spread
action in "Free" mode (would only see this on screens with 32 or more
pens). I really apologize for this, as I am very picky about only
uploading fully tested programs!
Version 1.3 Notes
Screens with a minimum of 8 colors now supported
Added "color by name", "panic restore", "pick from screen", full
AmigaDOS 3.0 palette "protect" mode, and "free" mode capabilities.
Note that "protect" mode takes the place of the old "hardcoded"
method of avoiding pens/colors used by the system
Fixed bug in "Iconify", where the previous positions of the main PaletteTool
window and the inconified window were not restored when they (re)opened.
Windows were opening at a fixed location (yech!)
The currently selected pen/color in the main palette display is now
recessed, allowing for easier visual confirmation
Main palette gadget is no longer disabled during cycling
Miscellaneous code and user interface cleanup
Version 1.2 Notes
Added full 8-bit RGB support (Hurray!)
Added Iconify ("I" button) support
Added About ("?" button)
Added support for "X" and "Y" icon tooltypes to determine position
of PaletteTool window at startup
Corrected the Spread function's math to allow "smoother" spreads
PaletteTool will no longer open on a screen that supports less than
32 colors; a nice requester will pop up to remind you of this if you try
Fixed problem where original palette was not correctly restored upon
quiting following certain types of Undo actions
Fixed problem where the currently selected color's RGB slider values were
not correctly reset after an Undo action
All other features operate the same as in version 1.1
Version 1.1 Notes
Added the Copy, Undo, and Spread capabilities
Added the "restore palette at exit" capability
All other features operate the same as in initial release version
The loading and unloading of the palettes at the beginning and end of
cycling can lock up your Amiga for 1 second or so