GFA-AMIGAB ILBM.LIBRARY DIESER VERSION SREEN.MODUS SCREEN.MODUS MOUSEX ENDIF ZADRESSE EZEIT IFMOUSEX U_PAINT PRINT LIBRARY AWFINV DYRECTORY AUSWAHL BACKG LIBRARYNAME ILBMBASE SCREEN.BREITE ILBM.TIEFE SCREEN.MODUS SCREEN.H ILBM.BREITE ILBM.H SCREEN.FARBE ILBM.VP.MODI ILBM.BYTES SCREEN.BYTES LOOP1 SPRAYRAD MEMADDR D_READ READY ILBM.MODUS ILBM.REG TIEFE NEWPLANE FARBE.ROT FARBE.GR FARBE.BLAU FARBE.RGB CCRT.RICHTUNG CCRT.START CCRT.ENDE CCRT.SECS CCRT.MICS LOOP2 SCREEN.ZEILE CODE DISK.BYTE LOOP3 FILE_NAME FILENAME WINDOW SCREE.MODUS MSGNUM D_WRITE ZADRESSE BEITS BODY_LENGTH IWFYO DATENLENGHT ILBM.LENGHT BODYPOSITION OLDPOS BODYLEN ALTERWERT BBPLSTRUCT BBPLSTRUCT2 PLADRESS AZEIT EZEIT HLER0 LOOP4 BLITPLANES BPLAD SRCBITMAP DESTBITMAP DESTX DESTY SIZEX SIZEY MINTERM TEMPA BUCOL DISKFONTBASE FONTALT TEXTATTR LEN TEXT_FONT FONT.H HE FONT_H BUFFER BUFBYTES FLAGS SUPERPLANE1 SUPERW SUPERH EXTRAPLANE LINIE GERADE BOGEN SPRAY RECHTECK RECHTECK1 KREIS KREIS1 BRUSH ILBM_CMAP ILBM_CAMG COORDS PLUSBYTE HLER3 WFAABY PALETTE ELLIPSE PELLIPSE BUFFER ALLOCMEM BLTBITMAP FREERASTER .ARRAY XOPOS YOPOS XUPOS YUPOS MOD_B MOD_H AWFAA MAUSZEIGER SBM2 ILBM_BODY LINEB VORAB _AUFBAUEN AUSWAHLFENSTER HAUPTSCHLEIFE LADE_IFF_ILBM LESE_CHUNK MAUS_ZEIGER1 LESE_BMHD LESE_CMAP LESE_CAMG LESE_CRNG LESE_GRAB LESE_DEST LESE_SPRT LESE_CCRT LESE_BODY LESE_UNBEKANNT MAUS_ZEIGER2 SAVE_IFF_ILBM AWF_AA SAVEWINDOWTOIFF _AUFBAU AUSWERTUNG PALETTE_01 PALETTE01 WERKZEUGFENSTER_01 ENDE2 VARIABLEN WERKZEUGFENSTER_02 COORDS TASTATURAUSWERTEN POINT MAUSAUSWERTUNG GETIFFPMSG SAVE_IFF_ILBM2 SAVE_CHUNK SAVE_BMHD SAVE_CMAP SAVE_CAMG SAVE_BODY TESTLEN MAKE_BUFFER BUFFER_TO_SCREEN SCREEN_TO_BUFFER CLOSE_BUFFER OPEN_BUFFER SAVE_BITMAP BITMAP_LADEN BITMAP_SPEICHERN FREEMEM EXITIF BLTBITMAP OPEN_BUFFER2 CLOSE_BUFFER2 OPEN_BUFFER_TEST_2 CLOSE_BUFFER_TEST_2 PO_SCREEN_TO_BUFFER PO_BUFFER_TO_SCREEN PAINT LINIE_Z WERKZEUGAUSWAHL SPRAY_Z SPRAY WERKZEUG WERKZEUG_ANZEIGE PROCWERKZEUG_ANZEIGE WERKZEUG_DEFINE WERKZEUG_AUSWAHL PAINTBOXAUSWAHL WERKZEUG_INAKTIVIEREN SPRAY_DEFINE REQ_BOX PASTE 256_FARBEN PROC256_FARBEN PROCEDURE PALETTE PALETTE_LADEN PALETTE_SPEICHERN FARBEINSTELLUNG FEF_AUFBAU FARBAUSWAHL FARBAUSWAHL_ANZEIGE GET_RGB4 TEXT_Z OPENDISKFONT AVAILFONTS COORDS2 ELLIPSE GERADE ABOUT COORDS_DURING_PAINT COORDS_DURING_PAINT_1 PAUSE16 ````` Andreas Meinert `````` Itzehoe `````````````````` 31/8/94 ````````````` Doc english UPaint P================================================================================FF K Page 1F The keyfunctions FF 1 * With the Cursorkey`s up and down, you can moveF the paintbox up and down.F I * With F10 you can took the Paintbox from the screen, or if he`s alreadyF 1 invisible you can put him back to the screen.F # * F1 bring`s you to the Workbench F , You get back to the programm if you sendFF * the Workbenchscreen in the Background.FF G * With the c key you can switch between two textmodes in the Paintbox.F 6 Select mousecoordinations or current colournumber.FF 5 * With u-key you can cancel the last paintoperation F u for undo.F * HELP will start this ProgrammFF & * With ESC you can quit the programm FF 9 * With the keykombination ~right Amigakey and Q~ you canF quit the Programm.FF P================================================================================FF P================================================================================FF K Page 1F The paintboxF * The Paintbox is structed in three parts.FF A 1. The Colourselection with the 256 colours from 4096 possible.F C The Colourselection is build in 8 lines with 32 colours each.F J In the top left corner is colour 0 and right from there is colour 1FF F right from there is colour 2 ..... The last colour in first lineFF ? is colour 31 . The second line starts left with colour 32F 6 and right from there is colour 33 ..............FF - 2. The selectionbox for the paintoperationsF < is right beneath the colorselection in the upper beam.FF , This one is also structed in two partsFF 8 a) on the left side is the box for the Brushsize FF ? b) on the right side is the box for the paintoperations F ( 3. The box for the actuell DefinitionsFF < is right beneath the colorselection in the lower beam.FF F there is:FF a) The current colourF , b) The current brushsize or B for BruschFF ! c) The current Paintfunction F J d) A switch to cancel the last Paintoperation (UNDO)(Double Buffering)FF 6 e) The current mouseposition or other textmessagesFF P================================================================================FF P================================================================================FF K Page 1F The ~Picture~ Menue Men MENUFF @ * Load IFF-ILBM -> this function loads Low- and HirespicturesFF ) (without coding or ByteRun1-Encoding)F L * Load Bitmap -> this function only loads pictures whose Size correspond FF B to the current Screen. The Dataformat is corrensponding to theFF Bitmap-Datastructure.F B * Save IFF-ILBM -> this function saves the Screen in named mode.FF I In a requester you must discribe the kind of Coding (Datacompression)F FF E * Save Bitmap -> saves the screen in a kind you maybe know from theF ? Datastructure->Bitmap. Saving the Planes one after another.F 4 * Palette Load -> loads a defined colourselection.FF 4 * Palette Save -> saves the curren colourselectionFF M * Palette Change -> opens a window where you can change all current coloursF H when you change the RGB-portions, of current colour. Use the swithesFF : with the < > symbols. Click on a colour to change itFF N * Palette Pick Color -> is waiting for mouseclick and declares the colour atFF ) that position to current paintcolour F 5 * Extras Clear Screen -> clears the current Screen.F = * Extras Workbench -> will bring you to the WorkbenchscreenF * Quit -> quits the programm.FF ? * About -> shows a Window with information about the ProgrammF P================================================================================FF