There are six different sizes possible: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 200% and 400%. 100% is a size of 512x512, so it is easy to find out the other sizes:
25% = 64x64 50% = 128x128 75% = 256x256 100% = 512x512 200% = 1024x1024 400% = 2048x2048
If your using Workbench 2.1 or higher, you may use all of them in any resolution. Choose your resolution and change the width & height of the screen (e.g. choose DBLPal and enter via keyboard 1024 and 1024). You are not able to see all of the 200% and 400% pictures, if you don't have a graphics board which is able to display these sizes, but you can scroll around in the screen.