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What is CATS?

This is a department at Commodore West Chester which was formerly named Commodore Amiga Technical Support and was later renamed Commodore Application and Technical Support. These are people that work independently of Engineering, but close together with them, and try to help developers outside of Commodore to create nice Amiga applications, software or hardware. To achieve this, CATS has gathered a lot of informations and tools, on floppy, CD, or paper. Much of this material is also available to the general public. (3) But don't mix this up with some sort of Hotline for everyone!

For Americans the address to get this material is

    CATS - Developer Applications
    1200 Wilson Drive
    West Chester, PA. 19380
for all Europeans it's a company in Germany:
    Fa. Hirsch & Wolf
    Mittelstr. 33
    56564 Neuwied
    Tel. 02631/83990

Dr. Peter Kittel, peterk@cbmger.de.so.commodore.com

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