This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input file /gnu/src/amiga/gawk-2.15.5/gawk.texi. This file documents `awk', a program that you can use to select particular records in a file and perform operations upon them. This is Edition 0.15 of `The GAWK Manual', for the 2.15 version of the GNU implementation of AWK. Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Indirect: 1079 48275 98104 146775 195898 243621 291484 340862 380695 Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top Node: Preface Node: History Node: Copying Node: This Manual 27078 Node: Sample Data Files 28922 Node: Getting Started 31714 Node: Very Simple 33425 Node: Two Rules 35393 Node: More Complex 37477 Node: Running gawk 40463 Node: One-shot 41412 Node: Read Terminal 42548 Node: Long 43607 Node: Executable Scripts 44949 Node: Comments 47172 Node: Statements/Lines 48275 Node: When 51166 Node: Reading Files 53081 Node: Records 54808 Node: Fields 58042 Node: Non-Constant Fields 60655 Node: Changing Fields 62479 Node: Field Separators 65852 Node: Constant Size 75488 Node: Multiple Line 79036 Node: Getline 81432 Node: Close Input 91176 Node: Printing 92632 Node: Print 93631 Node: Print Examples 95765 Node: Output Separators 98104 Node: OFMT 99842 Node: Printf 100986 Node: Basic Printf 101890 Node: Control Letters 103315 Node: Format Modifiers 105129 Node: Printf Examples 107634 Node: Redirection 110316 Node: File/Pipe Redirection 111052 Node: Close Output 114525 Node: Special Files 117029 Node: One-liners 121963 Node: Patterns 124685 Node: Kinds of Patterns 125663 Node: Regexp 126668 Node: Regexp Usage 127612 Node: Regexp Operators 129641 Node: Case-sensitivity 135119 Node: Comparison Patterns 137429 Node: Boolean Patterns 139590 Node: Expression Patterns 141100 Node: Ranges 142540 Node: BEGIN/END 143950 Node: Empty 146504 Node: Actions 146775 Node: Expressions 149155 Node: Constants 151176 Node: Variables 156741 Node: Assignment Options 158350 Node: Arithmetic Ops 160034 Node: Concatenation 161700 Node: Comparison Ops 163048 Node: Boolean Ops 167473 Node: Assignment Ops 169936 Node: Increment Ops 174010 Node: Conversion 176506 Node: Values 179581 Node: Conditional Exp 182164 Node: Function Calls 183492 Node: Precedence 186256 Node: Statements 189639 Node: If Statement 191322 Node: While Statement 192850 Node: Do Statement 194813 Node: For Statement 195898 Node: Break Statement 199090 Node: Continue Statement 200699 Node: Next Statement 203322 Node: Next File Statement 205266 Node: Exit Statement 208312 Node: Arrays 209927 Node: Array Intro 211129 Node: Reference to Elements 214632 Node: Assigning Elements 216575 Node: Array Example 217077 Node: Scanning an Array 218808 Node: Delete 221108 Node: Numeric Array Subscripts 222088 Node: Multi-dimensional 223968 Node: Multi-scanning 227196 Node: Built-in 228818 Node: Calling Built-in 229775 Node: Numeric Functions 231039 Node: String Functions 234386 Node: I/O Functions 243621 Node: Time Functions 246245 Node: User-defined 254329 Node: Definition Syntax 255047 Node: Function Example 259039 Node: Function Caveats 260114 Node: Return Statement 263157 Node: Built-in Variables 265540 Node: User-modified 266576 Node: Auto-set 270853 Node: Command Line 276592 Node: Options 277517 Node: Other Arguments 284591 Node: AWKPATH Variable 286957 Node: Obsolete 289095 Node: Undocumented 290355 Node: Language History 290543 Node: V7/S5R3.1 291484 Node: S5R4 294188 Node: POSIX 295725 Node: POSIX/GNU 296443 Node: Installation 298074 Node: Gawk Distribution 298940 Node: Extracting 299393 Node: Distribution contents 300988 Node: Unix Installation 303792 Node: Quick Installation 304483 Node: Configuration Philosophy 305652 Node: New Configurations 307978 Node: VMS Installation 310080 Node: VMS Compilation 310639 Node: VMS Installation Details 312254 Node: VMS Running 313891 Node: VMS POSIX 315477 Node: MS-DOS Installation 316865 Node: Atari Installation 317793 Node: Gawk Summary 323555 Node: Command Line Summary 324316 Node: Language Summary 326749 Node: Variables/Fields 328834 Node: Fields Summary 329560 Node: Built-in Summary 331027 Node: Arrays Summary 334232 Node: Data Type Summary 335507 Node: Rules Summary 336980 Node: Pattern Summary 338629 Node: Regexp Summary 340862 Node: Actions Summary 342082 Node: Operator Summary 342997 Node: Control Flow Summary 344358 Node: I/O Summary 344964 Node: Printf Summary 346843 Node: Special File Summary 348669 Node: Numeric Functions Summary 350727 Node: String Functions Summary 351563 Node: Time Functions Summary 353395 Node: String Constants Summary 354159 Node: Functions Summary 355542 Node: Historical Features 356601 Node: Sample Program 357458 Node: Bugs 361712 Node: Notes 364560 Node: Compatibility Mode 365089 Node: Future Extensions 365922 Node: Improvements 368219 Node: Glossary 370254 Node: Index 380695 End Tag Table