Chapter 9
Edward Winslow's Letters
This University of New Brunswick site includes letters written to and from Massachusetts Loyalist Edward
Winslow, who settled in New Brunswick after the American Revolution.
Constitutional Act of 1791 PreConfederation/ca_1791.html
This site offers a complete account of the 1791 Constitutional Act.
Treaty of 1783
In addition to the complete text of the Paris Peace Treaty of 1783, this site offers contextual background regarding the creation of this document.
Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage
This Heritage site explores the history, society, culture, and natural environment of Newfoundland and Labrador.
This War Times Journal site offers transcripts of Napoleon's correspondence regarding his campaigns, as well as archives and
articles relating to the Napoleonic Wars.
The Canadian Privateering Homepage offers definitions, documents, answers to frequently asked questions, and internal links to related topics.
The War of 1812
This site offers articles, uniform charts, book reviews, extensive links, and the largest collection of War of 1812 images available on the Internet.
Louisa's World
Louisa's World explores the 1815 diary of a Nova Scotia farm girl who lived in Dartmouth, NS. In addition to mentioning the defeat of Napoleon,
she describes farming rhythms and courtship practices in spare but fascinating detail. Dale McClare, who created the site, has done a good job of
explaining the context, finding illustrations, and tracking down diary references. This is an excellent site for students of social history.