BROWSE    COM    1088
ING01     EXE  236824
ING02     EXE  292899
ING03     EXE  243680
ING04     EXE  300414
ING05     EXE  284226


BROWSE    COM    1088
ING06     EXE  397105
ING07     EXE  254102
ING08     EXE  305572
ING09     EXE  286445


BROWSE    COM    1088
ING10     EXE  398178
ING11     EXE  299324
BIOG      EXE  365958


BROWSE    COM    1088
BWR       EXE  114651
COLUMENC  D    196071
ENCYBRIT  D    189895


BROWSE    COM    1088
16        EXE  309108
3IMP      EXE   99554
6HISTOR   EXE  273876
ASTRON    EXE   79938
EFF       EXE   39172


BROWSE    COM    1088
BOOKS     EXE  827121
FORGERY   EXE  467774
HUGHES    EXE  106883


BROWSE    COM    1088
WATTS     EXE  314896


BROWSE    COM    1088
DREISER   D     69871
TAXCH     D     77857
MCC       EXE  155221
MOJ       EXE   44363
OUTCAST   EXE   91148
PARTS     EXE  190119


BROWSE    COM    1088
USING     DOS    2124
PROFREL   EXE  227049
PROTEST   EXE   28700
REASON    EXE  149985
SJ        EXE   39080
PAINE     EXE  390281

Disk1 expanded contents:  Ingersoll files in DOS (ASCII) format


  File name   pages                  Title
FORWARD.DOS     1   Forward to Dresden Deluxe Edition
GODS.DOS       30   The Gods
HER&HER.DOS    17   Heretics & Hericies
HUMBOLDT.DOS   10   Humboldt-The universe is Governed by Law
INDIVID.DOS    14   Individuality
MAN-WO&C.DOS   26   Liberty of Man, Woman & Child
PAINE.DOS      17   (Ingersoll on) Thomas Paine
SAVED.DOS      30   What Must We Do To Be Saved?
GHOSTS.DOS     25   The Ghosts
FARMING.DOS    15   About Farming in Illinois


AGNOSTCH.DOS   13   Manhattan Athletic Club Dinner
                    Address to the Actors' Fund of America
                    Nomination of Blaine
                    The Agnostic Christmas
BELIEF.DOS     14   My Belief
                    Some Live Topics
INFIDON.DOS    18   What Infidels have done
                    Unitarian Club Dinner
                    Thirteen Club Dinner
MODTHINK.DOS   14   Preface to Modern Thinkers
MIRACLE.DOS    23   Myth & Miracle
MOSES.DOS      93   Some Mistakes of Moses
WHY.DOS        20   Some Reasons Why
ORTHOD.DOS     35   Orthodoxy


BIBLE.DOS      31   About the Holy Bible
BURNS.DOS      22   (on) Robert Burns
INFIDELS.DOS   34   The Great Infidels
LINCOLN.DOS    22   (on) Abraham Lincoln
LITER.DOS      25   Liberty in Literature
SHAKESPR.DOS   30   (on) Shakespeare
VOLTAIRE.DOS   29   (on) Voltaire
WHICH.DOS      10   Which Way? [Natural or Supernatural]


FREETHOU.DOS   21   Has Freethought a Constructive Side?
                    Hard Times and the Way Out
                    Convention of the American Secular Union

HOLYOAKE.DOS   18   George Jacob Holyoake
                    A Tribute to Horace Seaver
                    A Tribute to Richard H. Whiting
                    A Tribute to Elizur Wright
                    Lotos Club Dinner in Honor of Anton Seidl
                    The Truth of History
NEWYORK.DOS    21   New York Speech
                    The Rev. Dr. Newton's Sermon
                    The Police Captains' Dinner
AGNOSTIC.DOS   26   Why I am an Agnostic
DEVIL.DOS      26   The Devil
FAITH.DOS      23   The Foundations of Faith
LAYSER.DOS     10   A Lay Sermon
PROGRESS.DOS   20   Progress
REFORM.DOS     16   How to Reform Mankind
SUPERST.DOS    22   Superstition
THANKS.DOS     22   A Thanksgiving Sermon
TRUTH.DOS      18   The Truth
WHAT-IS.DOS    12   What is Religion?


EBON.DOS       12   A Tribute to Ebon C. Ingersoll
                    A Tribute to Thomas Corwin
                    A Tribute to Courtlandt Pallmer
                    A Tribute to Roscoe Conkling
LIBERALL.DOS   20   Convention of the National Liberal League
                    How To Edit a Liberal Paper
                    The Libel Laws
                    Is it Ever Right for Husband or Wife to Kill a
                    The Jews
                    Our Schools
CATECHIS.DOS   40   The Talmagian Catechism
FIRST.DOS      13   First Interview of Rev. Talmage
SECOND.DOS     14   Second Interview of Rev. Talmage
THIRD.DOS      20   Third Interview of Rev. Talmage
FOURTH.DOS     18   Fourth Interview of Rev. Talmage
FIFTH.DOS      44   Fifth Interview of Rev. Talmage
SIXTH.DOS      25   Sixth Interview of Rev. Talmage
VINPAINE.DOS   33   Vindication of Thomas Paine

Disk2 expanded contents:  Ingersoll files in DOS (ASCII) format


  File name   pages                      Title

ABBOTT.DOS     24   Reply to Dr. Lyman Abbott
                    A Reply to Archdeacon Farrar
CHR-1.DOS      15   The Christian Religion (Ingersoll-Black
                    debate), part 1.
CHR-2.DOS      19   Part 2.
CHR-3.DOS      34   Part 3.
DIVORCE.DOS    33   Is Divorce Wrong?
FIE-ING1.DOS   13   Field-Ingersoll Debate, part 1
FIE-ING2.DOS   25   Part 2
FIE-ING3.DOS   10   Part 3
FIE-ING4.DOS   13   Part 4
GL-ING1.DOS    20   Col. Ingersoll on Christianity, by Gladstone
GL-ING2.DOS    32   Col. Ingersoll to Gladstone
ROME-1.DOS     21   Rome or Reason? Part 1
ROME-2.DOS     33   Rome or Reason? Reply to Cardinal Manning (1)
                    Rome or Reason? Reply to Cardinal Manning (2)
PUNISH.DOS      7   Is Corporal Punishment Degrading?


AVARICE.DOS     9   Is Avarice Triumphant?
BROOKLYN.DOS   18   The Brooklyn Devines
CATHOL.DOS      6   A Reply to the Cincinnati Gazettee & Catholic
CHICBIB.DOS     6   My Chicago Bible Class
CHRISTMA.DOS   41   A Christmas Sermon
INDIANAP.DOS   17   Reply to the Indianapolis Clergy
REVIEW.DOS     41   My Reviewers Reviewed
SUICIDE.DOS    25   Suicide of Judge Normile
                    Is Suicide a Sin?
                    Col. Ingersoll's reply to his Critics
                    Suicide a Sin, an interview
                    Suicide and Sanity
TOLERAT.DOS    19   The Limits of Toleration
REPLY.DOS      28   A Reply to Rev'd Drs. Thomas and Lorimer
                    A Reply to Rev. John Hall and Warner Van Norden
                    A Reply to the Rev. Dr. Plumb
                    A Reply to the New York Clergy on


INTERV-1.DOS   37   The Bible and a Future Life
                    Mrs. Van Cott, The Revivalist
                    European Trip and Greenback Question
                    The Pre-millennial Conference
                    The Solit South and Resumption
                    The Sunday Laws of Puttsburgh
                    Political and Religious
                    Politics and Gen. Grant
                    Politics, Religion and Thomas Paine
                    Reply to Chicago Critics
                    The Republican Victory
                    Ingersoll and Beecher
                    Beecher on Ingersoll
                    Religion in Politics
                    Miracles and Immorality
INTERV-2.DOS   33   The Political Outlook
                    Mr. Beecher, Moses and the Negro
                    hades, Delaware and Freethought
                    A Reply to the Rev. Mr. Lansing
                    Beaconsfield, Lent and Revivals
                    Answering the New York Ministers
                    Guiteau and His Crime
                    Disdtrict Suffrage
INTERV-3.DOS   33   Justice Harlan and the Civil Rights Bill
                    Politics and Theology
                    Morality and Immorality
                    Politics, Mormonism and Mr. Beecher
                    Free Trade and Christianity
                    The Oath Question
                    Wendell Phillips, Fitz John Porter & Bismark
INTERV-4.DOS   21   Funeral of John G. Mills and Immortality
                    Star Route and Politics
                    The Interviewer
                    Politics and Prohibition
                    The Republican Defeat in Ohio
                    The Civil Rights Bill
                    The Grant Banquet
                    Robson and Crane Dinner
INTERV-5.DOS   16   Reply to the Kansas City Clergy
                    Swearing and Affirming
                    Reply to a Buffalo Critic
                    Politics and British Columbia
                    Ingersoll Catechized
                    Essay on Christmas
ACTORS.DOS     15   Address to the Actors' Fund of America.
                    Art and Morality
                    "The Brain and the Bible"
ERNESTR.DOS    16   Ernest Renan
                    A Tribute to Mrs. Ida Whiting Knowles
                    At the Grave of Benj. W. Parker
                    A Tribute to Dr. Thomas Seton Robertson
                    A Young man's Chances today
FRAGMENT.DOS   29   Fragments
INTERROG.DOS   13   Some Interrogation Points
                    Lotos Club Dinner, Twentieth Anniversary
PRESS.DOS       7   Address to the Press Club
                    Lotos Club Dinner in Honor of Rear Ad. Schley

PROPH.DOS      24   A Look Backward and a Prophecy
                    Science and Sentiment
                    "Sowing and Reaping"
                    Sabbath Superstition
                    Should Infidels Send Their Children To Sunday
                    Jesus Christ
                    A Young Mank's Chances Today


BEECHER.DOS     9   A Tribute to Henry Ward Beecher
                    A Tribute to Lawrence Barrett
                    A Tribute to Philo D. Beckwith
                    A Tribute to Isaac H. Bailey
OBSCENEL.DOS   17   The Circulation of Obscene Literature
                    Effect of the World's Fair on the Human Race
                    A Tribute to Mrs. Mary H. Fiske
                    The Law's Delay
CENTEN.DOS     17   Centennial Oration
                    Organized Charities
                    The Bigorty of Colleges
CHICAGO.DOS    17   Chicago Speech -- 1876
                    The Children of the Stage
                    What I Want For Christmas
DECDAY.DOS     14   Decoration Day Orations, (2)
GOLDSPE.DOS    19   The Chicago and New York Gold Speech
INDYSPEA.DOS   26   Indianapolis Speech
                    Eight to Seven Address
NEFROPEO.DOS   10   An Address to the Colored People
                    "Sowing and Reaping"
RATIFIC.DOS    26   Ratification Speech
                    Bangor Speech
REUNION.DOS    21   1895 Reunion Address
                    Our New Possessions
                    Political Morality
SUFFRAGE.DOS   14   Suffrage Address
                    The Three Philanthropists
WALLST.DOS     16   The Improved Man
                    Wall Street Speech
                    "Men, Women and Gods," (Preface)
                    A Tribute to Walt Whitman
BROOK.DOS      23   Brooklyn Speech
                    The Census Enumerator's Official

Disk3 expanded contents:  Ingersoll files in DOS (ASCII) format

  File Name   Pages                     Title
2STAR-C1.DOS   61   2nd Star Route Trial, Part 1 (closing)
2STAR-C2.DOS   66   2nd Star Route Trial, Part 2 (closing)
2STAR-C3.DOS   70   2nd Star Route Trial, Part 3 (closing)
2STAR-OP.DOS   41   2nd Star Route Trial, Opening Address
1STAR-C.DOS    65   1st Star Route Trial, Closing Address
DAVISWIL.DOS   33   Anaconda Standard, Butte, Montana, Sept 5, 1891
                    Address to the Jury in the Davis Will Case


BLASPHEM.DOS   38   Trial of C. B. Reynalds for Blasphemy
CARPENT.DOS    15   The Frank B. Carpenter Dinner
                    Should the Chinese Be Excluded?
                    Preface to Litere's "For Her Daily Bread"
                    Fool Friends
CIVILRIG.DOS   36   Civil Rights and Introduction
COMEGYS.DOS    10   Interview on Chief Justice Comegys
CREEDS.DOS     16   Crumbling Creeds
                    A Tribute to the Rev. Alexander Clark
                    Professor Briggs
                    A Word About Education
DIVIDED.DOS    29   The Divided Household of Faith
                    A Few Reasons For Doubting the Inspiration of
                    the Bible
EIGHTHRS.DOS   10   Robert Elsmere -- And an African Farm
                    Eight Hours Must Come
                    A Few Fragments on Expansion
HUXLEY&.DOS    14   Professor Huxley and Agnosticism
                    Cruelty in the Elmira Reformatory
                    General Grant's Birthday Dinner
TOLSTOY.DOS    11   Tolstoy and "The Kreutzer Sonata"
                    Spain and the Spaniard
TOMPAINE.DOS   17   Thomas Paine -- 1892
                    Sumter's Gun
                    Western Society of the Army of the Potomac
WHYAMAGN.DOS   14   Why I Am An Agnostic, Parts 1 & 2
WOODGOD.DOS     7   A Wooden God
DIDEROT.DOS     8   Diderot-Doubt is the First Step Toward Truth
SPATIND.DOS    19   Speech at Indianapolis -- 1868
                    What Would You Substitute for the Bible?


BIOG-01.DOS    11   Ingersoll, A Biographical Appreciation by
                    Herman E. Kittredge
BIOG-02.DOS     9   From 1841 - 1857
BIOG-03.DOS     9   From 1858 - 1866
BIOG-04.DOS    18   From 1867 - 1877
BIOG-05.DOS    17   From 1878 - 1885
BIOG-06.DOS     9   From 1886 - 1888
BIOG-07.DOS    12   From 1889 - 1892
BIOG-08.DOS     9   From 1893 - 1896
BIOG-09.DOS    17   From 1897 - 1899
BIOG-10.DOS    15   The Philosophical Foundation Upon Which He
BIOG-11.DOS    13   Did He Attack The Theology of Fifty Years Ago,
                    or Did He Attack theChristianity of the Time?
BIOG-12.DOS    33   Was he "A Mere Iconoclast"?
BIOG-13.DOS     4          (Continued)
BIOG-14.DOS    16          (Conclusion)
BIOG-15.DOS    10   His Domestic Teachings: Woman, Love Marriage,
BIOG-16.DOS     8   His Domestic Teachings: Children-Their Rearing
                    and Education
BIOG-17.DOS    21   Did He Practice What He Preached?
BIOG-18.DOS    16   Hisd Faculties of Artistic & Intellectual
BIOG.19.DOS    28   Universal Regret at His Death
                    A Summary of His Life-Wsork in 
                    (1) Politics, (2) The Law,
                    (3) The Field of Rationalism
                    His Influence on Religious Thought


INTIMATE.DOS   75   An intimate view of Robert G. Ingersoll, by
                    Newton Baker, A.M.

Disk4 expanded contents:  Freethought files in DOS (ASCII) format

  File Name   Pages                         Title


MCCABE01.DOS   26   The Vatican's last Crime: How the Black International
                    Joined the World-Plot Against Freedom, Liberalism and
                    Democracy - Joseph McCabe
MCCABE02.DOS   27   How the Pope of Peace Traded in Blood, The Red Pope - by
                    Joseph McCabe
MCCABE03.DOS   27   How the Cross Courted the Swastika for Eight Years -
                    Joseph McCabe
MCCABE04.DOS   28   The Vatican Buries International Law: How Mussolini and
                    the Yellow Brother Got Their Share - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE05.DOS   27   Hitler Dupes the Vatican: How the Papacy Was Sold in
                    Austria and Sold Civilization in  Czecho-Slovakia - by
                    Joseph McCabe
MCCABE06.DOS   30   The War and Papal Intrigue: How the New Pope Talked Peace
                    and Worked For War - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE07.DOS   29   The Pious Traitors of Belgium land France: How the
                    Preaching of Peace Fizzled Out. and Why - by Joseph
MCCABE08.DOS   30   The Pope and the Italian Jackal: How Mussolini's
                    Invincible Legions Were Blessed - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE09.DOS   31   Atheist Russia Shakes the World: How the Wisked
                    Bolsheviks Save Our Christian World - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE10.DOS   30   Fascist Romanism Defies Civilization: How the Pope Keeps
                    to the Plot While the World Curses It - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE11.DOS   31   The Tolalitarian Church of Rome: Its Fuehrer, Its
                    Gauleiter, Its Gestapo and its Money-Box - by Joseph
MCCABE12.DOS   31   The Tyranny of the Clerical Gestopo: Catholics the Most
                    Priest-Ridden of All People - by Joseph McCabe    
MCCABE13.DOS   30   Rome Puts A Blight on Culture: The Roman Church, the
                    Poorest in Culture and Richest in Crime - by Joseph 

MCCABE14.DOS   30   The Church the Enemy of the Workers: Rome is the Natural
                    Ally of All Exploiters - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE15.DOS   28   The Church Defies Modern Life: One Sound Catholic Boast-
                    We Never Change - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE16.DOS   28   The Holy Faith of Romanists: How Catholics Are Hypnotized
                    About Their Weird Creed - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE17.DOS   28   How the Faith is Protected: The Unique Apparatus kof the
                    Black International to Secure Loyalty - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE18.DOS   27   The Artistic Sterility of the Church: How the Church
                    Stupefies Folk by Crude Emotionalism - by Joseph McCabe
MCCABE19.DOS   28   The Fruits of Romanism: The Catholic Church Does Far More
                    Harm Than Good - by Joseph McCabe


BWR.DOS        102  Is the Bible Worth Reading and Other Essays - by Lemuel
                    K. Washburn

COLUMENC.D     56   The Columbia Encyclopedia's Crimes Against the Truth: How
                    a Popular Reference Work Is Being Used as a Weapon
                    Against Free Culture and Twisted to Fit the Purposes of
                    Lying Obscurantists - by Joseph McCabe

ENCYBRIT.D     55   The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica:
                    How Powerful and Shameless Clerical Forces Castrated a
                    Famous Work of Reference - by Joseph McCabe


GARDENAR.D     114  Men,Women, and Gods and Other Lectures - by Helen H.

Disk5  expanded contents:  Freethought files in DOS (ASCII) format

  File Name   Pages                         Title


16.DOS         251  The World's Sixteen Crucifies Saviors - Kersey Graves


3IMP.DOS       77   The Three Impostors -by Alcofribas Nasier


1PAINE.DOS     21   The Religious Beliefs of Thomas Paine - by John Ramsburg
2JEFF.DOS      16   Thomas Jefferson - by John Ramsburg
3WASH.DOS      14   George Washington -by John Ramsburg
4FRANKL.DOS    14   Benjamin Franklin - by John Ramsburg
5LINCOLN.DOS   50   Abraham Lincoln - by John Ramsburg
6GRANT.DOS     11   Ulysses S. Grant - by John Ramsburg


ABORTION.DOS   119  Confessions of lan Abortionist - by Martin Avery
                    (Big Blue Book No. 474)


ASTRON.DOS     56   The Atheism of Astronomy: A Refutation of the Theory That
                    the Universe is Governed by Intelligence - by Woolsey


DOUBTS1.D      18   Doubts in Dialogue - by Charles Bradlough
DOUBTS2.D      18   A Respectable Man of the World, Reputedly Pious, and a
                    Heretic Addicted to Public Advocacy of Freethought - by
                    Charles Bradlough
JESUS.D        13   Who Was Jesus Christ, and What Did He Teach? - by Charles
     `              Bradlough
PLEA.D         16   A Plea For Atheism - by Charles Bradlough
UNBELIEF.D     12   Humanit's Gain From Unbelief - Charles Bradlough


AFFIRM.D        9   Atheism: An Affirmative View - by Emmett F. Fields
DEB-1.D        14   Is the Bible the Word of God?, a Negative View, Part 1 -
                    by Emmett F. Fields
DEB-2.D        13   Is the Bible the Word of God?, a Negative View, Part 2 -
                    by Emmett F. Fields

Disk6  expanded contents:  Freethought files in DOS (ASCII) format

  File Name   Pages                         Title


ATHEISM.DOS    15   The Meaning of Atheism - by E. Haldeman-Julius
DAR.DOS        15   Absurdities of the Bible - by Clarence Darrow
DARROW1.DOS    30   Facing Life Fearlessly - by Clarence Darrow
DEATHBED.DOS   95   Infidel Death-Beds - C.W. Foote
DEITY.DOS       9   Ddeity and Design - by Chapman Cohen
HEARTBIB.DOS   12   The Heart of the Bible - by Marshall J. Gauvin
RATMA.DOS      97   The Rationalist's Manual - by Aletheia, M.D.
RENAN.DOS      169  The Life of Jesus - by Ernest Renan
SECULAR.DOS    155  A History of the British Secular Movement - by John Edwin
SHELLEY.DOS    15   The Necessity of Atheism - Percy Bysshe Shelley
THEISM.DOS     23   Is Theism a Logical Philosophy? - A Debate


FORG0INT.DOS   24   Forgery in Christianity - Joseph Wheless
FORG1.DOS      32   Pagan Frauds-Christian Precedents
FORG2.DOS      35   Hebrew Holy Forgeries
FORG3.DOS      24   Christian "SCRIPTITRE" Forgeries
FORG4.DOS      36   The Saintly "Fathers" of the Faith
FORG5.DOS      48   The "Gospel" Forgeries
FORG6.DOS      42   The Church Forgery Mill
FORG7.DOS      82   The "Triumph" of Christianity


HUGHES.D       84   Why I Quit Going To Church - Rupert Hughes

Disk7  expanded contents:  Freethought files in DOS (ASCII) format

  File Name   Pages                         Title


JESUSALL.DOS   106  The Truth About Jesus: Is He a Myth - by M.M. Mangasarian


0INTRO.DOS     12   The Story of Religious Controversy - by Joseph McCabe
CHAPT01.DOS    19   The Revolt Against Religion
CHAPT02.DOS    21   The Origin of Religion
CHAPT03.DOS     7   A Few of the World's Great Religions
CHAPT04.DOS    21   The Myth of Immortality
CHAPT05.DOS    26   The Futility of Belief in God
CHAPT06.DOS    17   The Human Origin of Morals
CHAPT07.DOS    16   The Forgery of the Old Testament
                    How We Detect the Forgery
                    The Priestly Forgers
                    The Mistakes of Moses
                    The Mythical History of the Jews
                    The Truth About the Prophets
                    Pious Fiction
CHAPT08.DOS    14   Religion and Morals in Ancient Babylon
CHAPT09.DOS    13   Religion and Morals in Ancient Egypt
CHAPT10.DOS    28   Life and Morals in Greece and Rome
CHAPT11.DOS    13   Phallic Elements in Religion
CHAPT12.DOS    13   Did Jesus Ever Live?
CHAPT13.DOS    19   The Sources of Christian Morality
CHAPT14.DOS    13   Pagan Christs Before Jesus
CHAPT15.DOS    14   Legends of Saints and Martyrs
CHAPT16.DOS    11   How Christianity "Triumphed"
CHAPT17.DOS    14   The Evolution of Christian Doctrine
CHAPT18.DOS    11   The Degradation of Woman
CHAPT19.DOS    10   Christianity and Slavery
CHAPT20.DOS    12   The Church and the School
CHAPT21.DOS    15   The Dark Ages
CHAPT22.DOS    13   New Light on Witchcraft
CHAPT23.DOS    23   The Horrors of the Inquisition
CHAPT24.DOS    23   Midieval Art and the Church
CHAPT25.DOS    21   The Moorish Civilization in Spaink
CHAPT26.DOS    24   The Renaissance: A European Awakening
CHAPT27.DOS    24   The Discust of Christendom
CHAPT28.DOS    20   The Truth About Galileo and Medieval Science
CHAPT29.DOS    16   The Jesuits: Relilgious Rogues
CHAPT30.DOS    14   The Conflict Between Science and Religion
CHAPT31.DOS    17   Do We Need Religion?
CHAPT32.DOS    27   The Triumph of Materialism


EVOL.D         17   Evolution and Special Creation - by Charles Watts
EXISTGOD.D     10   The Existence of God; Questions For Theists
GRAVE.D        13   Is There a Live Beyond the Grave?
POLITIC.D      12   Was Christ a Political and Social Reformer?
REFORMER.D     20   Was Christ a Political and Social Reformer?
SECMOR.D        9   Secular Morality: What Is It?
SORS.D         16   Saints or Sinners: Which?
TACTICS.D       6   Discreditable Tactics of Christian Disputants
WHYRIGHT.D     15   Why Do Right?  
BIBLEMORE.D    17   Bible Morality
CATHECH.D      17   The Secularist's Catechism: Being an Exposition of
                    Secular Principles
CHR&CIV.D      14   Christianity and Civilization: Why Christianity is Still
CHRIST.D        8   The Death of Christ
CLAOFCHR.D     38   The Claims of Christianity Examined

SECULAR.D       9   Secularism: Its Relation to the Social Problems of the 

Disk8  expanded contents:  Freethought files in DOS (ASCII) format

  File Name   Pages                         Title


CH01.DOS       23   Is It God's Word?  An Exposition of the Fables and
                    Mythology of the Bible and of the Impostures of Theology
                         - by Joseph Wheless
CH02.DOS       36   A Sketch of Hebrew Scriptures
CH03.DOS       19   The Patriarches and the Covenants of Yahveh
CH04.DOS       17   The Wonders of the Exodus
CH05.DOS       19   The Forty Years in the Wilderness
CH06.DOS       21   The "Ten Commandments" and the "Law"
CH07.DOS       10   The "Conquest" of the Promised Land
CH08.DOS       16   The Hebrew Heathen Religion; Sex Worship and Idols
CH09.DOS       17   The Pagan God and Gods of Israel
CH10.DOS       16   Yahveh - The "Terrible God" of Israel
CH11.DOS       21   The Holy Priests and Prophets of Yahveh
CH12.DOS       15   Bible Theology and Modern Truth
CH13.DOS       28   The "Prophecies" of Jesus Christ
CH14.DOS       47   The Inspired "Harmony of the Gospels"
CH15.DOS       33   More "Harmony of the Gospels"
CH16.DOS       38   The Sacred Doctrines of Christianity
CH17.DOS       13   The Christian "Plan of Salvation", Original Sin and
                    Eternal Damnation
CH18.DOS       16   Revelations of the Hereafter: Heaven, Hell & Purgatory
CH19.DOS       22   Cesset Superstitio!  And Then?


ATHEISM.DOS    34   Is The Position of Atheism Growing Stronger? - by Joseph
CROWLEY.DOS     4   Papal Despotism - by Father J.J. Crowley
JOSEPHMC.DOS   44   Joseph McCabe: Fighter For Freethought - by Issac
SYLLABUS.DOS   33   Rome's Syllabus of Condemned Opinnions; The Last Blast of
                    the Catholic Church's Medieval Trumpet - by Joseph McCabe

DREISER.D      20   Tragic America - by Theodore Dreiser
TAXCH.D        24   Why I Believe in Fair Taxation of Church Property - by
                    Joseph McCabe


MOJ.DOS        37   The Mistakes of Jesus - by William Floyd


OUTCAST.DOS    64   The Outcast - by Winwood Reade


PRESID1.D      43   The Religious Beliefs of Our Presidents, Part 1
                     - by Franklin Steiner
PRESID2.D      15   The Religious Beliefs of Our Presidents, Part 2
PRESID3.D      16   The Religious Beliefs of Our Presidents. Part 3
RAT1.D         26   Studies in Rationalism: The Ordeal of Ingersoll
WAREVOL1.D     40   The Warfare of Science With Theology

Disk9  expanded contents:  Freethought files in DOS (ASCII) format

  File Name   Pages                         Title


PROFREL.DOS    168  The Profits of Religion - by Upton Sinclair


BRUNO.DOS       6   Giordano Bruno: The Forgotten Philosopher - by John J.
POTTER.DOS      5   A Message to America, by NBC, June 25, 1933
PROTEST.DOS    11   Protestant Menace to Our Government - by L.K. Washburn

REASON.DOS     87   Reason, the Only Oracle of Man 


SJ.D           32   Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus

USING.DOS       1   Notes on using these disks

CONTENTS.DOS   16   Contents by Titles & Subtitles