Problems with Pkunzip? As even a computer is work of man, it might happen that programs are not correctly unwrapped. The alternative is then to unwrap these files by hand. I'll give you an example: First you note the name of the Zip file you want to unwrap. Then you make a directory TEST on your hard disc (C). Step by step: Make a directory TEST on your hard disc. MD TEST Copy the file you want to unwrap to this directory: COPY FILE.ZIP C:\TEST Please note, to simplify matters I assume that your hard disc is C: The file FILE.ZIP is an example of course! Instead of FILE.ZIP you name of course the ZIP file you want to unwrap! Now on your hard disc you have a directory TEST with the ZIP file you want to unwrap. Copy also PKUNZIP.EXE to this TEST directory. Go to this directory and type: PKUNZIP FILE.ZIP. As a result, your ZIP file will be unwrapped. You can test it now, that's why the directory is called TEST! If you don' t like the program, you can delete your complete TEST directory with DELTREE TEST. A good advice: buy yourself a good DOS book, it's not as difficult as you think it is. And you can read and consult it at ease.