The example application we look at will be a simple program with a dialog that allows you to control and monitor InterSLIP, a device driver that connects your mac to the Internet via a modem connection. Source and resource file (in binary and BinHex form for downloading) for this application are available in the example1 folder (which you will have to download if you are reading this document over the net and if you want to look at the resources).
We will use a C extension module module "interslip" that allows a Python program to control and monitor the behaviour of the low-level driver, and we will create the user interface around that. If you want to actually run the code, you will obvously need InterSLIP and the interslip module. The latter is available as a dynamically loadable extension for PowerPC macs, and may be compiled in your Python interpreter for 68K macs. As of this writing there is still a slight problem with the Python interslip module causing it to say "file not found" if the driver is not loaded yet. The workaround is to load the driver by starting InterSLIP Control and quitting it.
If you are interested in building your own extensions to python you should check out the companion document Creating Macintosh Python C extensions, which tells you how to build your own C extension. Not completely coincidental this document uses the interslip module that we will use here as an example.
There is one fine point that deserves to be mentioned here: resource numbering. Because often your resources will be combined with those that the Python interpreter and various standard modules need you should give your DLOG and DITL resources numbers above 512. 128 and below are reserved for Apple, 128-255 for the Python interpreter and 256-511 for standard modules. If you are writing a module that you will be distributing for inclusion in other people's programs you may want to register a number in the 256-511 range, contact Guido or myself or whoever you think is "in charge" of Python for the Macintosh at the moment. Even though the application we are writing at the moment will keep its resources in a separate resource file it is still a good idea to make sure that no conflicts arise: once you have opened your resource file any attempt by the interpreter to open a dialog will also search your resource file.
Okay, let's have a look at InterslipControl-1.rsrc, our resource file. The DLOG and accompanying DITL resource both have number 512. Since ResEdit creates both with default ID=128 you should take care to change the number on both. The dialog itself is pretty basic: four buttons (connect, disconnect, update status and quit), two labels and two status fields.
On to the code itself, in file Have a copy handy before you read on. The file starts off with a textstring giving a short description. Not many tools do anything with this as yet, but at some point in the future we will have all sorts of nifty class browser that will display this string, so just include it. Just put a short description at the start of each module, class, method and function. After the initial description and some comments, we import the modules we need.
is a handy standard
module that provides you with routines that put up common text-only
modal dialogs:
displays the message "str" and an OK button,
AskString(prompt, default)
asks for a string, displays OK and Cancel buttons,
AskYesNoCancel(question, default)
displays a question and Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
is a pretty complete interface to
the MacOS Resource Manager, described fully in Inside Mac. There is
currently no documentation of it, but the Apple documentation (or
Think Ref) will help you on your way if you remember two points:
print Res.OpenResFile.__doc__
is an interface to the
Dialog manager (with Dialogs being implemented as python objects and
routines with Dialog arguments being methods). The sys module you
know, I hope. Interslip
finally, is the module with the interface to the InterSLIP driver. We
use four calls from it:
opens the driver
asks it to initiate a connection procedure (without waiting)
asks it to initiate a disconnection procedure (without waiting)
returns the current connection status in the form of an integer state,
an integer "message sequence number" and a message string.
to textual messages.
On to the main program. We start off with opening our resource file,
which should live in the same folder as the python source. If we
cannot open it we use EasyDialogs
to print a message and
exit. You can try it: just move the resource file somewhere else for a
moment. Then, we try to open the interslip driver, again catching an
error. All modules that raise MacOS error
exceptions will pass a 2-tuple to the exception handler with the
first item being the numeric OSErr
code and the second
one being an informative message. If no informative message is
available it will be the rather uninformative "MacOS Error
, but at least the second item will always be a
printable string. Finally we call do_dialog() to do the real work.
uses Dlg.GetNewDialog()
to open
a dialog window initialized from 'DLOG' resource ID_MAIN and putting
it on screen in the frontmost position. Next, we go into a loop,
calling Dlg.ModalDialog()
to wait for the next user
action. ModalDialog()
will return us the item number that
the user has clicked on (or otherwise activated). It will handle a few
slightly more complicated things also, like the user typing into
simple textfields, but it will not do things like updating
the physical appearance of radio buttons, etc. See Inside Mac or
another programming guide for how to handle this
yourself. Fortunately, our simple application doesn't have to bother
with this, since buttons are the only active elements we have. So, we
do a simple switch on item number and call the appropriate routine to
implement the action requested. Upon the user pressing "quit" we
simply leave the loop and, hence, do_dialog()
. This will
cause the python dialog object my_dlg
to be deleted and
the on-screen dialog to disappear.
Time for a warning: be very careful what you do as long as a dialog is on-screen. Printing something, for instance, may suddenly cause the standard output window to appear over the dialog, and since we took no measures to redraw the dialog it will become very difficult to get out of the dialog. Also, command-period may or may not work in this situation. I have also seen crashes in such a situation, probably due to the multiple event loops involved or some oversight in the interpreter. You have been warned.
The implementation of the "update status" command can use a bit more
explaining: we get the new information with do_status()
but now we have to update the on-screen dialog to present this
information to the user. The GetDialogItem()
method of
the dialog returns three bits of information about the given item: its
type, its data handle and its rect (the on-screen x,y,w,h
coordinates). We are only interested in the data handle here, on which
we call SetDialogItemText()
to set our new text. Note
here that python programmers need not bother with the C-string versus
pascal-string controversy: the python glue module knows what is needed
and converts the python string to the correct type.
Finally, the three implementation routines do_connect()
and do_status()
are simply
boring wrappers around the corresponding interslip methods that will
put up a dialog in case of an error.
And that concludes our first example of the use of resources and dialogs. Next, you could have a look at the source of EasyDialogs for some examples of using input fields and filterprocs. Or, go on with reading the second part of this document to see how to implement a better version of this application. Not only will it allow the user to go back to the finder (or other apps) when your application is running, it will also free her of the RSI-inducing chore of pressing "update status" continuously...