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Standard Keyboard Commands

These commands should be available in all versions of Xconq. Additional commands may be defined for some interfaces; see the interface's documentation below for more details.

You may specify a command in two ways; by typing the single letter for the command, or by using the 'o' command and typing in a long command name followed by any additional data, as appropriate to the command.

You may also specify a numerical prefix argument by entering a sequence of digits 0-9 before entering the command. The interpretation of the prefix argument depends on the command; typically it will be a repetition or size. Negative prefix arguments are not possible.

Xconq uses the "standard" letters to specify directions. While the positions of "yubn" are all analogous to their respective directions from "h" on a normal keyboard, the rationale for "hjkl" is lost in the mists of time; but those of you who are already programmed from years of vi, rogue, nethack, etc will appreciate the compatibility!

                       y  k  u
                        \ | / 
                       h- . -l
                        / | \ 
                       b  j  n

As commands, lower-case letters [yubnhjkl] indicate that the unit(s) should move one cell in that direction. Upper-case letters [YUBNHJKL] tell the unit(s) to move repeatedly in that direction, either forever, or to a distance specified by the prefix. Control-case letters are reserved for future definition.

The following list is generally in alphabetical order.

' '
(reserve) Reserve unit. Put selected unit(s) into reserve for the remainder of this turn. Units that are in reserve may still be selected and moved by direct order, but will not insist on being moved before the turn can end.
(detonate) Detonate. The selected unit will detonate at its current location.
(help) Display help info.
(distance) Display distance to selected place.
(recenter) Center around the current point. For interfaces that can zoom, this command also focusses on the current point, so that it will still be in the middle as you zoom in.
(angle) Change view angle. If the interface supports it, this command will cause the map to display at an angle. This is useful for seeing elevations more realistically. The command cycles through angles of 90 degrees (overhead), 30 degrees, and 15 degrees; the prefix argument sets the vertical exaggeration.
(attack) Attack.
(add-terrain) Add terrain. If you supply no prefix argument, and the selected unit(s) can add any one of several types of terrain, then you will be asked to choose the terrain type. Then you will be asked for the cell or edge to modify.
(auto) Set AI control of unit. If you supply a prefix of 1, then the unit(s) will become AI-controlled. If you supply a prefix of 0, then the unit(s) become manually controlled. If you supply no prefix, then the AI control will toggle.
(southwest) Move southwest.
(southwest-multiple) Move southwest multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit(s) will move as far as possible.
(clear-plan) Clear unit plans.
(delay) Delay unit. Postpone doing anything with the selected unit(s) until after all others have moved in this turn.
(disband) Disband unit. Make the selected unit(s) do one disband action.
(detach Detach a unit from the selected multi-part unit. The prefix argument gives the number of parts of detach; by default, the unit will be divided in half.
(embark) Embark on transport.
(fire) Fire unit.
(formation) Set formation. You will be asked to designate a unit to lead the formation. Then the selected unit(s) will get a goal to maintain the same relative position to the leader that existed at the time the command was entered. The prefix argument says by how many cells the following unit may vary from its designated position; for instance, if the value is 1, then the unit is in formation if it is in any cell adjacent to its nominal location. The variation defaults to 1.
(fire-into) Fire into a location. Fire indiscriminately into a designated location, whether any target units are visible.
(give) Give supplies. Transfer non-essential supply from the selected unit(s) to occupants and others in same and adjacent cells.
(give-unit) Give unit to side.
(west) Move west.
(west-multiple) Move west multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit will move as far as possible.
(in) Cycle through cell's interior. Use this command to cycle through all the units at the location(s) of the selected unit(s). Successive commands eventually go down through all occupants and through each unit stacked in the cell.
(south) Move south.
(south-multiple) Move south multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit will move as far as possible.
(north) Move north.
(north-multiple) Move north multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit will move as far as possible.
(east) Move east.
(east-multiple) Move east multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit will move as far as possible.
(move-to) Move to a place. You will be asked to specify a location to move to. The prefix argument specifies how closely will be satisfactory; the default is 0, meaning that the unit must actually be in the chosen destination cell.
(message) Send a message to another side or sides. The default is to broadcast to all sides; if you wish to send a message to only one side, prefix the command with the side's number (1 for the first side in the list of sides, and so forth). The message %reveal is special; if you send this, then the receiving sides will receive information on the positions of your units. This is obviously useful for allies; it is useful for enemies, if you want to convince them to resign. (Of course, if they're stronger than you think and don't resign, then you just gave away your secrets!)
(end-turn) End activity for this turn. (This is the "return" key.) This command indicates that you are done with your moves, and that the game may proceed to the next turn. If sides are moving sequentially one-at-a-time, then the next side will become the only one actually moving, and you will not be able to have any of your units do anything more (although you may set orders to be executed during the next turn). If sides are moving simultaneously, then you may still do actions, but you will have to select the units manually.
(southeast) Move southeast.
(southeast-multiple) Move southeast multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit will move as far as possible.
(other) Do other commands. This command brings up a dialog or prompt that lets you enter a long-name command and additional data for it, all as text. When you indicate that you are done composing (either by typing return or by clicking OK, as appropriate), Xconq) will attempt to interpret and then execute the command.
(produce) Set material production.
(produce-unit) Set up unit construction. Xconq will ask you for a unit type to construct, then sets up a construction task to produce one or more of that type. You can use the prefix argument to request the number to build; the default comes from the side's doctrine, and is usually 99.
(quit) Quit the game. If the game is still in progress, then you will be asked if you wish to draw or resign. If no other players are willing to declare a draw, then you must resign in order to get out.
(return) Return to a resupply point. The unit will search for the closest unit which has supplies of the types that it needs, and attempt to move there. If it cannot find such a unit within the radius that it expects to survive without resupplying, the command will fail and the unit will do nothing.
(remove-terrain) Remove terrain.
(refresh) Redraw display. For various reasons, an Xconq) display might become incorrect. This command will erase all windows and redraw them.
(sleep) Sleep. Put selected unit(s) to sleep. A sleeping unit will not ask to move again until it wakes up. Units may be woken explicitly, or may wake up if an unfriendly unit gets too close.
(save) Save the game. Xconq) will save the complete state of the game into a file. You may or may not get a choice of file name, depending on the interface you're using.
(take) Take supplies. Transfer materials from a "nearby" unit into the selected one(s). First choice of donor unit is the transport if there is one, then units stacked in the same cell, then occupants.
(take-unit) Take unit from another side.
(northeast) Move northeast.
(northeast-multiple) Move northeast multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit will move as far as possible.
(wake) Wake up. Selected units that are asleep or in reserve will be woken up. The prefix argument specifies a radius of effect around each unit, in which all units not in transports will also be awakened.
(wakeall) Wake up all. Similar to "wake", but all occupants will be affected also.
(northwest) Move northwest.
(northwest-multiple) Move northwest multiple. If supplied, the prefix argument specifies how many cells to move by; otherwise, the unit will move as far as possible.
(survey) Switch between survey and move modes.

The following commands are not guaranteed to be available except by using their long names, but some interfaces may have shortcuts for some of these.

Some of these commands may take arguments. Whitespace (spaces and tabs) spearates the arguments from the command name, and from each other. If any argument, such as the name of a unit, must include a space or tab, you may enclose the argument in double quotes.

Add a player into the game. If supplied, the command argument is a specification of the player, with the same syntax as used to specify players when starting a game. If no command argument is supplied, the new player will be an AI of the default type. The new player's side will have a set of starting units comparable to those of other sides, and will be placed according to the same rules as applied to the existing sides.
Toggle the AI.
Display the copying rules.
Distrust the given side.
Declare a willingness to draw. If all players are willing to draw, then the game simply ends, without any losers or winners being declared.
Follow the action. When set, the map or view will automatically scroll to any place where combat actions are happening.
if condition task
Set up a standing order. A unit will execute a standing order if it has done all of its pending tasks, and the order's condition applies, by adding the specified task to its agenda. The condition has the form "type at/in/near/within location/unit-name", where type is the name of a unit type, location is of the form x,y, and unit-name is the name of some unit. The task has the form "task-type arguments", where the arguments are determined by the task's type. Note that units consider standing orders only when it has nothing else to do. For instance, if a unit is moving to some location, and on the way happens to pass through a cell that has a standing order, it will NOT be affected by that order. The unit must actually stop in that cell.
Set the name of a unit.
Print the current view of the world.
rate slow fast
Set AI play rate. The command's data must be of the form "<slow> <fast>", where <slow> and <fast> are plan executions per minute. The slow rate is for when human players are still actively moving, while the fast rate is for when only AIs are doing anything.
Make the AI replan.
Resign. This causes the side to lose, but leaves the game running.
Be controlled by the given side. This causes the side to become controlled by the side being surrendered to, but the side still remains in the game.
Trust the given side. This is a unilateral declaration of trust, which means that the trusted side will see what your side sees, its units may use your units, and so forth. (Obviously this is quite risky if the other side does not also trust you!)
Display the version and copyright.
Display the lack of warranty.

The following commands are intended for game designers, and are only available if designing has been compiled into Xconq. See the chapters on game design and GDL for more information.

Toggle design mode.
Evaluate a GDL expression. Note that some values derived from GDL forms are precomputed and cached, and it is not guaranteed that they will all be recalculated.

The following commands are intended for debugging, and are only available if debugging support has been compiled into Xconq.

They act as toggles, and are independent of each other, so you can control what kind of information is output. The transcript will go to standard output or to a file, depending on the interface and system. These commands are really only of use to Xconq hackers and sometimes to game designers.

Toggle general debugging.
Toggle graphics debugging.
Toggle AI debugging.

The current set of commands is somewhat different from that of Xconq 5.x. The most common ones have generally been retained, but others have been renamed or dropped.

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