11. Adding and Updating Data
Changing Field Values from a Container
To update any field or group of fields in a database record from the contents
of a single container in the scripting environment, use the FileFlex DBWriteRec
function with three arguments.
The first argument is any character other than G,E, B or C (or their lower-case
The next two arguments are the database record number and the record's new
value. The new field value(s) must be stored in a field or variable with
a separate line for each field being updated. Each of these lines will have
two comma-delimited values, the first representing the name of the field
and the second containing the field's new value.
Unmodified fields (i.e., those whose names do not appear in the container)
are left as they were before the update process started. For example, to
change the marital status of an employee from single to married and his
number of dependents from zero to two, you might store the following information
in a variable called newData:
and then write a line something like this:
put DBWriteRec("L",12,newData) into dbResult
DBWriteRec also has the ability to save data and encrypt it. See the chapter
on Office Quality Encryption for details.
Changing a Memo Field from a Container
You may completely replace the contents of a given memo field with the contents
of a container (typically a field which the user has edited) by using the
FileFlex DBWriteMemo function, supplying the database field name and its
new value. The new value can be text or the name of a container holding
the text.
Assume you've had the user provide some additional information for the Notes
field in the current database record, and that you've stored the new memo
field in a background field called "New Notes." You can update
the information in the database with a line like this:
put DBWriteMemo("NOTES",field "New Notes") into dbResult
DBWriteMemo also has the ability to save data and encrypt it. See the chapter
on Office Quality Encryption for details.
Changing a Field's Value from Global Variables
FileFlex has the ability to place the contents of global variables into
corresponding FileFlex data file fields. If a matching global variable doesn't
exist, the field will not be updating.
Note: This also implies that if the variable exists, it will be written.
Therefore, make sure the contents of all applicable global variables are
kept up to date.
Use DBWriteRec by using the option character "G", as in the following
put DBWriteRec("G") into DBResult
Updating from a Template Card
If you use HyperCard or SuperCard, you can use this feature. If you name
the fields in your scripting environment to correspond with the names of
the database fields, you can perform a record update from the contents of
a card with a single call to the function DBWriteRec. In this case, the
function requires only two arguments rather than the three we needed above.
The first is the letter "C" or "c", if you want FileFlex
to take data from the card fields on the card involved, or the letter "B"or "b" if you want FileFlex to take the fields' new values from
background fields.
The second is the number of the record to be updated.
FileFlex will only update fields in the database that have corresponding
fields in the card involved in the update.
Assume that record 14 of a database file contains these fields and values:
Name C J Nielsen
Salary 65000
Dept 13B
Jobcode 5505.12
If you have a card with background fields named Name, Salary, and Jobcode
and you put the name "C J Nielsen" into the first field, a value
of "67500" into the second, and a value of "3918.2"into the third, you can update the salary and jobcode fields with this command:
put DBWriteRec("C",14) into dbResult
with the card containing the correct values being the current card at the
time of the update. After that command executes, record 14 looks like this:
Name C J Nielsen
Salary 67500
Dept 13B
Jobcode 3918.2
Adding a New Record to the Database
To add a record to the current database file, you may use any of the commands
that update a record (as described above) and supply a record number that
is at least one higher than the number of records in the database. You can
find out how many records are in the database with the DBCount function.
For example, if you want to use DBWriteRec to add a new record to the database
from the card fields on the current card, you would write a script like
on mouseUp
-- update happens in response to mouse-click on a button
put DBCount() into numRecs
add 1 to numRecs
put DBWriteRec("C" numRecs) into DBResult
end mouseUp
It is not essential that you do this, however. If you use an arbitrarily
large number for the record number, FileFlex will add the new information
to the end of the file, if that number is at least one larger than the total
number of records in the file.
Multiple Database Update Technique
You can use the DBWriteRec with the G,B, or C option to update more than
one open database file from the same card containing new information. Because
DBWriteRec ignores all globals or fields that are invalid for the current
database, only those fields that are found in the current database will
be udpated when you use one of these command formats.
Thus if you had information stored in globals that belonged in three different
databases, you would simply use a DBWriteRec() call for each database in
turn, something like this:
-- Assume DB opened earlier
put DBSelect(partList) into dbResult
put DBWriteRec("G",32) into dbResult -- updates Record #32
-- Assumes we opened DB earlier
put DBSelect(openItemFile) into dbResult
put DBWriteRec("G",11) into dbResult -- updates Record #11
put DBUse("BACKORDERS") into dbResult -- opens a database
-- get total number of records in file
put DBCount() into numRecs
-- add record at end of file
put DBWriteRec("G",numRecs+1) into dbResult
Each of the three databases would be updated with the information in global
variables whose names exactly matched fields contained in that database.
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Copyright (c) 1996 David Gewirtz under license to Component Software Corp.
All rights reserved worldwide.