3. Interacting with FileFlex
FileFlex is a relational database engine. It's functionality is designed
to store, retrieve, search, and sort text-based information. Unlike most
database engines, which are standalone applications containing other features
including user-interface builders and report writers, FileFlex only manages
data. Also, unlike most other database engines, FileFlex is designed to
be embedded within your application, not reside as an external application
called by your application or communicated with via interprocess communications.
This embedded nature of FileFlex provides a great deal of benefit to the
developer of multimedia applications:
- No external drivers are required
- Nothing needs to be installed in the System folder or the Windows directory
- No other applications need to be purchased
- Exchanging data can happen at function-call speeds, rather than interprocess
communications speeds (much slower)
- The memory footprint is much lower (about 150K) rather than upwards
of 8MB for standalone database engines
- FileFlex can be programmed in your existing host language (i.e., Lingo,
HyperTalk) rather than in a specialized database language. FileFlex simply
extends your hosts language, adding more commands.
A principle design decision was that FileFlex uses each host application's
"plug-in" architecture. This allows the host application to talk
to FileFlex with no penalty for speed and allows FileFlex to be very tightly
integrated into the programming environment of the host application. For
example, in Director 5, the FileFlex engine exists as a Lingo Xtra. Just
drop it into the Xtras folder and full relational database capability is
Wrapper Scripts
When you install FileFlex, your development environment talks with the FileFlex
plug-in via "Wrapper Scripts". Wrapper scripts are very short
handlers written in your host language's scripting language. Here's a sample
wrapper script for Director 5, written in Lingo:
on DBSelect dbID
return FileFlex("5",string(dbID))
end DBSelect
In the above example, the DBSelect function is defined. You'll learn later
that DBSelect switches the current database from one open database file
to another. The wrapper script does two simple functions. First it calls
DBCheckActive, itself a wrapper that determines if the FileFlex engine has
been properly initialized. Second, it calls the FileFlex engine plug-in
with the function code "5" and with an ID number contained in
the variable dbID.
The reason this is done is that the FileFlex engine is actually one solid
code module. The FileFlex code knows which of it's forty-some-odd functions
to perform based on which code number is specified. So, if FileFlex is passed
a code 3, then it performs a DBUse to open a database. If it's passed a
code 30, it knows to write a record to the database.
But programming by remembering all those numerical codes is difficult and
hard to debug. It's much easier to remember descriptively named commands.
These are the commands in the wrapper scripts, such as DBSelect above.
There is one other reason why the wrapper scripts are so important: You
can place a breakpoint inside the wrapper. In this way, you can tell exactly
what data you're passing to the database engine through the function's parameters,
prior to actually invoking the engine. This debugging tool can often be
an invaluable way to make sure you know what you're telling FileFlex to
FileFlex Has Its Own Data Files
FileFlex data files (the database) are external to your project . This is
in direct contrast to how Director stores data. When you build a Director
movie the "normal" way, you defined various text cast members
within the movie. The data itself is stored in the cast members, and as
you add data, the movie size grows.
There are some amazing advantages to having the data stored separately from
the controlling application.
The first, of course, is speed. Text-based searches using FileFlex'ultra-high
speed indexing technology allow you to go anywhere in the database virtually
instantly. Because the data is structured specifically around this search
mechanism, everything is optimized for speed.
The next key advantage to using your development environment as a front-end
to data is how easy it is to change "views" or "layouts"on the data file. If you've used FileMaker, you know that you can have a
bunch of different layouts for the same data fields. The layout is simply
the way you look at the data. For example, you might have a purchase order
system with fields such as P.O. number, vendor name and address, a list
of items, expected date, and a total dollar amount. However, depending on
the level of detail interest you have in the order, you might want to view
the data different ways: with all the details, or just a summary of the
information. FileFlex allows you to work the same way. Rather than having
to switch your entire cast or stack, FileFlex lets you instantly jump between
databases and sort orders without incurring any overhead of disk access.
Lastly, it is far easier to deliver updates to users of your software if
the program or application is separate from the data. There's no need to
try to save off the old data and read it into the new, updated project (or
update all the scripts of the old movie). You just delete the old movie
and replace it with the new. The data file is untouched.
xBASE Standard Data File Formats
When you create a FileFlex database, you're going to create one, two, or
three different types of data files. They are:
- DBF: The industry standard xBASE/dBASE III data file format.
This format can be read by virtually any program that can read database
file formats.
- DBT: If you define memo fields (large, unstructured text fields),
you'll create a DBT file as well as a DBF file. The xBASE definition states
that memos are stored in these external files.
- NDX: When you create a FileFlex index, you'll create one NDX
file for each sort order. NDX files are also an xBASE standard format.
The value of using these file formats is that they are extremely fast and
extremely common. While they're the native format for FileFlex, virtually
any database engine can read and write the xBASE standard. Even products
that aren't databases, like Word 6 and Excel, can both read and export into
the DBF format.
One word of caution though: the xBASE standard, to which FileFlex adheres
religiously, is the dBASE III file format. If you choose to export data
from another application (say Access), be sure to specify the dBASE III
format. If you select native, accellerated FoxPro format or dBASE IV format,
FileFlex will refuse to recognize the file.
FileFlex Data Types
FileFlex supports the following native data types:
- Character: Fixed-size ASCII fields, containing up to 256 characters;
- Numeric: Fixed-size, fixed-point numeric values;
- Logical: True/False values;
- Date: Full date information, including century values of the
- Memo: Free-form, variable size text containers. Memo fields can
store up to 32K.
Managing Multimedia Data
FileFlex does not internally store "blob" data like graphics files,
QuickTime movies, sounds, etc. This doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't
use FileFlex to manage multimedia data. Far from it. Instead, you should
store the images or video clips as individual files on disk, perhaps assigning
them to specified folders or directories. Then, store the location, path,
or some identifying characteristic inside a FileFlex text or memo field.
When you want to access the image, do a search in FileFlex, grab the path
from a character field, and just import the image into Director.
There are strong advantages to this approach. First, you're able to use
your native image editing tools to modify the files. Second, you can replace
images individually, rather than having to reinstall a complete database.
And third, as you add images, you can span disk volumes or store certain
images or multimedia components easily on different parts of your network.
Finally, by not storing multimedia data within the data file, the database
files are substantially faster and smaller.
How Does "Relational" Work?
FileFlex is a fully relational database system. This means you can "connect"or "relate" data together. The best way to describe how this works
is with our ever-popular mail list example.
Imagine a mailing list that consists of two "databases" or .DBF
files. Here are the fields for the two databases:
Customer ID <-----------------> Customer ID
Name Keyword
As a software publisher, we'd use the database for two purposes: doing direct
mailings to new prospects, and tracking our registered customers.
Whenever a customer buys one of our products and returns the registration
card, we enter his address information into the NAD (name and address) database
and the product purchased in the keyword database. Since a customer might
have purchased more than one product from us at varying times, there will
probably be more than one entry in the keyword database.
Later, the customer calls us for technical support. Using the "view"that allows us to call up the customer's information on the screen, we ask
the customer for his last name and zip code (which is how the data is indexed).
Our program does the following:
- Selects the NAD database (DBUse);
- Selects the last+zip index and does a seek on that combination;
- It throws the appropriate address information into the appropriate card
- Next, the program gets the customer ID from the customer's NAD record;
- Selects the Keyword database;
- Selects the Customer ID index and seeks on this customer's ID;
- Fills a list field with the products the customer's purchased by grabbing
the keyword from subsequent records until the ID number changes.
That's one use of the data. Here's another: Let's assume we've completed
an upgrade to FileFlex. We want to do a mailing to our customers to give
them the option of upgrading. Here's what our program does:
- Selects the keyword database;
- Selects the index on the keyword;
- Seeks on the first occurance of the FileFlex keyword;
- Repeats through until the keyword is no longer FileFlex;
a. Gets the customer ID from the keyword field
b. Selects the NAD database;
c. Selects the NAD database index for customer ID;
d. Does a seek on customer ID;
e. Retrieves and prints a label;
Calling FileFlex
Calling FileFlex is a simple matter of executing a function call. Here's
an example that opens the database file "STARS.DBF":
put DBUse("STARS.DBF") into dbResult
As described earlier, DBUse is a wrapper that tells the FileFlex engine
to open a database file. Every FileFlex function returns a value, which
should be placed into a variable and then tested. In the above example,
the result of the DBUse command is placed into the variable dbResult.
When you call most FileFlex functions, you should check the value returned
by the program to be sure that no error occurred in the process. The mechanism
by which FileFlex notifies you of an error is simple. If the value returned
by the function call is less than zero, then an error occurred. The FileFlex
Result Code Reference lists all the possible error codes.
To handle errors in your scripts, then, you must simply:
- Execute a FileFlex function and place it's result into a variable;
- Check the value of this variable after each FileFlex function call;
- Respond appropriately
Here is a simple example of dealing with a potential FileFlex error condition:
on mouseUp
put DBUse("VIDEO") into dbResult
if dbResult < 0 then
end if
-- continues other normal processing
end mouseUp
This is a good general-purpose approach to the problem. However, you may
wish to get more specific, as this expanded version of the above handler
on mouseUp
put DBUse("VIDEO") into dbResult
if dbResult = -120 then
alert "Can't find VIDEO file" exit
end if
if dbResult = -200 then
alert "Database file is bad" exit
end if
-- continue other processibng
end mouseUp
If other errors could occur but you don't need to provide special handling
for them, you can add another if-then clause to deal with those as well.
Six FileFlex functions can return positive results that indicate some special
situation has arisen. When you use these functions, you should know that
a return value of 1 means that the beginning of the file has been reached
and a return value of 3 means the end of the file has been reached. .
- DBTop (return of 3 means file is empty)
- DBBottom (return of 3 means file is empty)
- DBSkip
- DBSeek
- DBQuery
- DBFindMemo
Here is an example of dealing with these conditions (the DBSkip call moves
the pointer to the next record in the database):
on mouseUp
put DBSkip(1) into dbResult
if dbResult = 3 then
alert "End of file reached" exit
end if
-- continues normal processing
end mouseUp
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Copyright (c) 1996 David Gewirtz under license to Component Software Corp.
All rights reserved worldwide.