PRELIMINARY DATA (Revised) DtSnNCTIYE CHARACTERISTtCS Complete FSK MODEM in a 28-pin packego - jusl add line intarlace Compabble w~th Bell 10311131109 Bell 202 CCITT V.21 CCITT V.23 speciticabons No extemal hltering required All digital signal processing digital hilers and ADC/DAC indudAd on-chip Ineludes essenbal RS 232/CClTT V.24 har dshake signals Auto~answer capability Local cc~py/tesl modes 1200 bps tull duplex on 4-wire line Pin-programmable mode section FIgure 1. Connectlon Diegnm ú" R5 ~r HD v_ ae nALd~ CA#, "AL, CA#1 DG - 7 TC ~ AG.10 ~e, TO ~i ~E, li~ R~E U'D GENERAL DESCRIPTION - - ~ ,. D ' Am7910 FSK MODEM WORLD CHIP'- AdvancedMicroDevices 3 Tha Am7910 is a singl~chip asynchrocous Frequency Shih Keying (FSK) vdc-~band modern. It is pin seleclable Tor baud rates d 300. 600 or 1200 bits per serx~nd er d is compatibl* TAnth tho applicable Bell and CCITT recon~- mended standards lar 103/113/108 202 V.21 and V~23 type moderns. F've mode contrd hnes seTect a desired modem r onfiguration. Digital signal processsing lechniques are empioyed in the Am7910 to pertorrn alt myor tunchons such as m~xtulation demodulation and tiltering. The Am7910 contains on-chip anabg-to4ighal and digital-to-analog convener cirrults to minimize the extemal oomponents in a system This device includes ~ essenbal RS-2321CCITT V.24 terminal control signals with TTL lavels. Clocking Can be generated by attaching a crystal to drive the intemal crystal oscillator or by appPying an extemal cinck signal. A data access arrangement (OM) or acoustic coupter must provKde the phone line intertace extemally. The Am7910 is tabricated usin4 N