THE ANATOMY OF A HACKER M„nuge a deux There is no gingle hacker prof~le, and that's what makes them dangerc~u'. It's possible for a hacker to mingle wi~h ordinary societ ~r and go undetected for long perlods of time, as long as he doesn't open his mouth. Here are the most common hacker traits and characteristics to look for if you suspect a hacker has slipped into your llfe. Watch for them. Be on your guard. lf gameonc you know or Ic~ve begins to exhibit these ~igne, it's prnfbahly aiready too late. Once sc~meone has turned to a computer fot companIonship, affection and emotional support you might as well find a reF,lacement. He'll never come back. S~ Program bugs (- `\ K'' -~ N Bra(n has 2 leJt ~ sides ~ ~~ ~: Has no tImefor ,~^ ~,~'J, ~haireuts or Esatertefournal with computer centerfold for {antuspfulfillment Eyes locked open from hours of j~ ~ ~ - ~ -`fJ 1< ~CRT staring ::~ / l\ /7J Pocket caleulator / ~/ |or mental J // J\ "snarics ' when acket to saue ~,)~ Jl!(( \ no cornputer time getting ~, h,etween of~ce_~ and computer Multiple time- pleces; tell him which nets are ®~r Carrles portable computer to hnthronm I A/~ ~\ ~ al~alla~le ~ '~N \ \\ , \\~ ~ 7he "Program'. ~\~<_ ~ the reason for I ' I ~ //1// PaJama bot torns ~ ~ f ~ ~f~ double ns saft -_ -~//{~ pants to saue -~ . .f~fl . ~ ~-~- Ä~_ tlme dresslag - 1' ~ \' N~\ \~'~c~nd undressing ll ''i NL \~\N V\ .......................~ 1 ~ . N\ ~ ~ :. J ~ i: /~ -~'~ c.-~.~V~~;\\ <~ f \ ~ ^' ~- ~ \ Aduenture game ~ ~ÄÄ~\ ~> progra r7ls ~. ~ - ~ | ~ ~ , ~ / ~' ' ~ >/ ~ Bon ts c~llolv hlm ~/ ~ ( ~~~--~~~- ~=~ to plow thraugh 5~ ,~f9 ~ =~Ä mess ln room ~- ~~~ ~lihout solling ~~' ~~-~ feet The Hacker: 1. Has a sterl,trap mind 2. Is very bright 3. Is an overachiever 4. Gcts good to excellent grades 5. Cannot accept feilure 6. Can be danRerously deviaug 7. Live!l liRc a hermit Y. Callable of committing the "perfect crime'' 9.1s a direc'descendent of the elide n~le wizard 10. Half man, hatf machine 11. Can multiply large numbers in hi' head t 2. ls a master of logical mysterie~ 1}. Believes he is pri~ry to the serrete of the ages 14. E;;ubliminally suRgests he knows ~mething you don't and never will 15. Often looke like a dropout from Woodstock generation t6. Oemande a hiRh salary and helieve' he i'worth morc 17. Can be a consummate team player t8. Needs no gleep 19. Subsists on very linle fond 20. Smells mildly of Szechuan Chinese food 21. llis primary intetaction on planet is with hie computer 22. Has pockets f\lll of pencil~ 23. May not shsve yct 24. Knowe what all those llttlc bottons on a calculator do 25. 1s the ultimate introvert 26. Love'complex situation. 27. Lo~ic dominates hie mind and life 28. Has a delightfal, rather packish sense of humor 29. Viewe thc world as a machine 30. Believc' no probtem iB too complex 31. Knowe he can sotve an, problcm 32. Convinced security systems were designed for him to foll 33. Lives for the challenge of computing 34. Schoolwork, homework and Intellectual ta~ks don't phase him 35. Loves to crash computers for the fun of it 36. Relloves he'e on earth to find bu~ and kill them dced 37. Entertain' vest fantasies of omnlpotence 38. DeliRhte in hie megalomania 39. I.ove~ beinR sedoced by a machine or logic problem 40. P,elieve' that the real function of computers ie play