~ ~ Ä The ~ar Tax Resistance is showing people ho. to re tuse to psy this war tax. In most cases, the TRS ~ll come to collect with 676 interest, but your phone service ~ill conti~ue . But the more it ~ :~ done, the more it costs Them in time, trouble and embarraáment [or D~cle Sham. Do ~t, ~d t'ell your friends, relatives and neighbore to do the same. Include a letter to this ettec t to the phone com- pa" ~d your congres~en: Dat. BE"USE OF THE BRUTAL AND "&RESSIVE WAR the United Sbtes government is conducting a~ahst V;etnam, the amount of the tederal excise ........bx, S.~ , has been deduoted from my pay- ment of this bill. I have opposed this war and protested against it in many ways. Now I must testity to my opposition by refusing to pay this tax. The telephone excise tax was raised in April, 1966, only in order to help psy for the war in Vietnam. Paying the tax means helping to pay for outright atrocities, for the murder of inno- cent women and chi~ren. It msans helping to psy for the indiseriminate bombing and napalming of defenseless villages. It means helping to fin- ance tbe shipping Of American boys half way around the world to die defending an unpopular totali~rian and corrupt regime. I am sorry tor any inconvenience my tax refusal may cause your office and hope you will under- stand that this protest is not directed against the telephone company. I hope also that you will soon ioin me and the many others who have de- cided that it ~s now necessary to oppose the war by refusing to psy the telephone excise tax that helps finance it. Sincarely in peace, Distributed by WAR T" REU=ANCE 339 Lafay~tte Street New York, N.Y. 10012 ~ ~B2 {~~ In A~r~l of 1966, as the government was IN NEED escalating the Vietn~m war, Congress passed a lsw ra~ sing the Federal tax on telephone ser~ce to 1 0,ø~. ''I t is clear, " said Rep. Wiltur Mills, Chair~ man of the House Ways and Means Comm- ittee, ''that Vietnam and only the Viet- nam operation makes this bill necessary" -Congre ~sional Re cord, February 23, t 966 . How do we communicate with our people serving t:Lme in Nam? ~PAX has a way. They ~ re putting rock ~nd soul and rap and education tapes on the a; r through Radio Hanoi ~ who is donating free air time to broadcast these ''subversi~re'' sounds, now banned by our go~rer~ment ~ s stations. But ~WPLY needs Your blank and recorded tapes, a~d of course, bread. Send what you cen. I ~ you ~n t to" record your o~m sho~ to be a~red, ask them for details and they ~ ll be happy to supply them. WPAX, Box 41 O, Cooper Station,N.Y.,N.Y 1 0003 GETTING PAST ISST3ES OF YIPL Ob~iously, as people j o:Ln up later or they ~ re going to want info that was already published. So we ~ll have a stock of past iseues, available at the ridicul~us ( ? ) price of 50½ each ~ This m+~ht start to erase our de ficit, but we ll lower the pr~ ce if v~e can ge t enough contributions. IN OUR ITEXr ISSUE Vle `~'ill have more letters, info, shit, and our man on the scene, Al Bell, `'ri11 have some inside info on the ''Blue Box't that people al7 over the country are using on I-;a Bell . Plus a dialogue `~i tI: Russel Baker and Abbie Hof frnan on Fones. <~/C~ (~ g`~- ) ) ~fe beg you consider donating a small percent of what YILL helps you save One ye ar 0 f i~e~rsle ~ ~e rs is $4. YIPL, ~3OOL' 504, ~ 52:. c 42 St. ,~. .~., . ~Y.