- 1 N7ERN~ / ~_ ~ Y ~ A R ~ Y - \ ~V {~) [, I 'Blue Box' Is r inkea' fo Phone Call Frau~ By ROY It. SlLVER aPet'll - ~ - y~ ~" MINEOI^, L. 1., May 5 Armd with a courr order, detectives of *~e proiecu- tor's rackete bilresu and tale~ phtnd compuly '®sonnel se&rched tho home st 36 Henhawk Rosd last nlght. they sald Ihcy fnund a smell box measuring 5 ~y 6 by 3". Inches attached to a tcle- Dhone tn the youth's rsom. The prosecutor did not say ~vhe had made thc bo~ The telephone compong said snn. ilar device. had been used elcewhere tn tbe country.3~e- f~ The telephone c~npany came scspic~ous when an~ put® cards showi" the amoun~t o! time uscd f® in- fo~mation calls ~ted that sonÄcalls were talcing much more than the u~ual one to ~ree ~. _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g o S tart Stop 700 700 900 700 900 1100 700 gOO 1100 1300 1100 1 500 Disconnect ÄFRI:~` ~Ea ú l T?` AUX. S~*~R SP" / ~y A1 Bell After inter~ewing engineering students around the country, I found that the blue box makes tones that are similar to, but not exactly like a pushbutton p},one. Since operators use the same device for putt:Lng operator-assistance calls throngh, the tones were published in the Bell System Technical Journal, 1960 Large lihraries and engineering schools hsve the Journal. Like a pushbutton phone, two frequencies make up each tone. One of the "boxers" who was n`: `- caught said, "Those people '!ho were caugh.t probably called information, 'bleeped' out- the operator, and redirected the call ~.nth t'ne box, by pressin~ the buttons of the desired nun~ber. T haven ~ t been cau~;ht ~"cause I call fro a pay phone, and I ne~rer stay on ~nore than 1~ ~inutes. Most im- prtantl~, I never use in forr;~ation. I use the Sberaton Hotels '.!Jatts Line n~,mber, 800~325-3535. R~ght bce fore the~r ans,.'rer, I bleep thern out ". Rut ~he blue bo~ isn 't necessary. A cassette tape rr.achine ~nll r.or,~ fi ne. Two ~i=~,al generators are neecled to record the pa~r of -ones for each diœit, star', and stop. llecord esch 900digi t, ~ you `~11 have ~ r~as ter tape frorn whicl1 to mal;e ac tual 1100phone nu~.,1,er sequences on otl~er machines. One siœna1 ~enerator 1100~nll work ~ f ~,~ou !na,~e the master on ~ stereo tape, and play the 1300two channel~ back to~;ether as you record them on the other tape 1300 For this to work, several rules ??USt be followed: 1300 -K`?cord direct, without microphones, as in Fig. 1 . 1~00 -Record as loud as possible `=thout distort'on. ''Yatch your 1500 record ~neter ~hen ri~aXing tspes. 1500 -Only use fresh batteries, and don' t wear them out. 1500-A better speaker for playing the tones into phones is a stand- 1700ard telephone eargiece . Where you steal one is your problem, 1700( its so easy) but plug it into the ext. speal~er jack as in Fig. 2600t )( -Each tone lasts one second, with one second betY'een esch tone. However, wait 3 seconds after "bleeping" disconnect tone. Ther. play KP, area code, number, and ST, in that order. -Hold your littie makeshift speaker close to mouthp~ ece withou moving while playing tone s . -Your electronics friends and young engineers cen help yon get 1' a signal generator or two to use, and they t 11 help you record ~ ^~, the tones properly. F\Gr. 2 lN~lltJ~q~c -The two frequencies of esch tone must last the entire one sec- ~> ond, and they must start and stop si~ultaneoualy. , _~ ~ . ~ o) . 7 o~c~ 11~trs r~V'.r~ . CAIJTION: YIPL does not advocate malring free calls. However, YIP] do~ n't believe in paying for call`;, either. If caught, you may he char"ed witl, fraud and theft of services. So consider care- fally ~l~ether you need to call lon~; di..tance, and ~ f. you do" `:~nside, ,..hother or ~ot ~ron he] ieve in free speech. I >! t, ~ |~93 1 1~Äi