iesi6~ent: Monitor the telephone in the suite of Senator Eugene r-icCarthy at the 1968 D.nocratic Convention. Agents reported that McCartl~y had made a Jhon. c~ll to a'`o~n leftist organization" offer~ng medical help to ~rounded denonstrators. -Life Magazine study of Army "Intelligen&e" . . . In additiou to manufacturing Pr~ncess telephones, '.'estern :.lectric ma~e- ~u~- ace a16siles and is a prominent member of the military- industrial complex *hich so frightened President Eisenhower that he warned against its "acqui- .ition of unwarranted influence" in his farewel, address. An exam~nation of Be~tern Electrlc~s defense work shous that the President had ample reason for alarn. Through adept use of a technique called profit pyramiding in the de- fen.e industry, Bestern Electric ran up profits of 31.3 percent on its major niesile contracts, ahile helping the Pentagon accumulate military ~unk that was never used. 8~UYe`tZ. ., Joseph C. Goulden Editors Note: We ~ ntend to sho~r, throngh statements such as the above two, hos the Bell System has become anti -human to its custo~er~, employees, and Just about everyone elee. However' it should be noted that these statements are taken out of context, and do not do Justice to the case . The ~hole story is a lot scarler that Just a 'tprofi t-gobbler". Its a question of accu~.uJation o! power and ~ecuring that po~rer. You kno~, great that people are being mon- $tored, but shlt, people are being slaughtered. All in the name of money. And eisc. we 6ive theu the Doney, we are at fanlt. Stop paying and start yelling. Se. ~a nest nonth, phreoks. Published for informational purposes only by Youth Hot Line Reports, Inc. \3. ~ ~, Coming soon-Special PAY PHONE iseue . ''D A year of iseues is $ 4. Who cares~ LOV ~IT Ir TA P, Room 41S, 152 W. iSt.,N V10036 1 ~ ~ 1/ ~ I) I 3 2 ~i