68~@~ ~ ~ Please rnstl the Youth International Party Line for ~ne year. Of course, I wouldn't really mess aronnd ~lth the ol' phone, but I'd like to see how those lousy freeks do it ' M. L., Yonkere, N. Y. Dear Abble, Enc losed ls one dollar for the YIPL uhlch we heard about on the Ju ly 6 Alex E,ennet sh~w. We hope your nose fee ls better and t~t Arnerlca cornes out okay. Love. P.S.-We have all of your booke, they 're great . H. JBr~oklyn, N. Y. Frienda; Kindly use the enclosed, for a year of the Party Line so hi~hly rec om- mended ~n BAI last night by Chairman Haffman. Thanks. A.&., New Rochelle, N.Y. .~. , ~ '~ ;,C Provent drug abuse v~ á~0~ Hey, I d lg what you 're dolng. Send me those new~letters. Incidentally, 1 have here two cred it card no . ~ I ' d like t share. One is that of a company whose name I don't know, but it is in N.Y.C. It' s 5~5-6025-074A. The other ie our friends at I~, Amant, N. Y. 76g- 1900- o69z. You may a lready have one cr both, but t he-y are sent to yo~ with fondest wishes that they can be used by the pe~ple. Right an, and ,..rite an! P.S., R~ltimare, Md. Dear Abb'e, Here ' s a dollar for a c~py of the YIP paper. If at all possible, c~uld you send me a c~py of 'Steal this Book" . I'm a single mother of three children and use the inf~ an rippinc off the super market(food stamps help a little but they 're nct free ) . Thank Wvr. S . C ., Corona, N.Y. ~ ~Q Guess what, f~reeks? The w~vrld ' s bi ,~,est pusher, aur ~wn Uncle Sham, is teamin" up with it's rain and shine pe3ple at dells Far~ 5 to supposedly stop dru:, atuse' This is part of lts ga~d ~,uy campai~n that was started in an attempt to discredit the whole Viet Vets ageinst the ,lar move:rent, by makin~; middle amerika think every GI nas a needle in his a rrn . AnywaY, we're ^nly mentioning the past ~vffice cause it seems a lot of v~ut rr.ai 1 ~ s c~min, to us in stran:,e cv~ndition, like open? empty, and mutilated. de'd like to take this opportur.~ ty to ~,ratefully thank all th se resp^ncible. The hate they incur keeps us ~n, . To fi:,ht back, YIPL readers are puttin, thetr stamps 1 & 1/2 inches l~wer ~vn the envel~pe, thus escaoin~ the o_stmark. Rernember, freeRs, recyclTr~ wi 11 ~ave the ,~^rld. And they are SPREADItIG TEIE WCRD, Dru r Abuse prevention weck is schoduled for Cctsber 7- ~. Yipples ai1 ~ver will be rePusin, to sho~t up all junk with the U.S. &ovt. inspection label an it. Anyone subscribln:, to YIPL shcold be ~ware that they are probably under observatLon by the EBI, th~ Ph ne Car~pany, and thetr local precinct. F'or that reas- n, we stron -' y ur re that you be wary of your te lephone, because if y~u're d~ln, anjth~n- tbat's arainst the LA'1, tbat's h~w tl~ey ' 11 try t ~ ~ret y~u, Tn~ jr ' v~ _t ycur nu~ber.