~6'6fe hof7~< or; ~o~y pho~e >ø (J stlce ~ O "You can make a local 10 cent call for You can make a long distance call 2 cents by spitting on the pennies and and charge it to a phone number. dropping them in the nickel s lot . As Simply tell the operator you want soon as they are about to hit the trig- to bill the call to your home phone ger mechanism, bang the coin- return because you don' t have the correct button. Another way is to spin the pen- change. Tell her there is no one nies counter-clockwise into the nickel there now to ver~fy the call, but slot. Hold the penny in the slot w~th you will be home in an hour and she your finger and snap it spinning with can call you then if there is any a key or other flat obj ect. Both sys- quest~on. Make sure the exchange tems take a cortain knack, but once (prefix)goes with the area you say you've perfected it, you'11 always it does. have it in your survival kit. You can make all the free long If two cents is too much9 how about distance calls you want by calling a call for 1 penny? Cut a 1/4 strip your party collect at a pay phone. off the telephone book cover. Insert Just ha~re your friend go to a pre- the cardboard strip into the dime slot arranged phone booth at a prearran- as far as it will go. Drop a penny 1n ged time. This can be done on the the nickel slot until ~t catches 1n thespot by ha~in,g the friend call yoTa mechanism (spinning wi 11 help) . Then person to person. Say you 1 re not slowly pull the strip out until you in, but ask for the number calling hear the dial tone.you since you'11 be "back" in 5 A number 14 brass washer w~th am~nutes . Once you get the nunber, small piece of scotch tape over one s~mply hang up, wa't a moment and side of the hole will not only getcall back your fr~end collect. The a free call, but works in about any call has to be out of the state to vending machine that takes dimes.work, s~nce operators are familiar You can get a box of thousands forwith the special extens~on numbers about ~ dollar at any hardware store. asSigned to pay phones for her ares You should always have a box around and possibly for nearby areas as for phones, laundromats, parking meters well If she asks you if it ~s a p~y and dr ink mach~nes . phone say no . I f she f inds out during Bend a bobby pin after removing the the callllwhich rarely happens) and plastic from the tips and jab it down ~nforms you of this, slmply say you into the transmitter(mouthpiece). When didn t expect the party to have a it presses aga~nst the metal diaphragm,PaY phone in his house and accept the rub it on a metal wall or pipe to groun~hargeS. We haYe neYer heard of this it. When you've made contact you hear the dial tone. Put a dime in the phone, dial the operator and tell her you have ten cents credit. She'll return your dime and get your call for free. If she asks why, say you made a call on ano- ther phone, lost the money, and the operator told you to switch phones and cal 1 the cred i t operator . This same method works f or long d~stance calls. Call the operator and find out the rate for your call. Hang up and cal 1 another operator telling her you just dialed San Francisco direct., gat ~ wrong number and lost $.95 or whatever it is. She wi 1 1 ,get your ca 1 1 f ree of cha~ge . 1~92 1 happen'ng thongh . If there are two pay phones next to each other, you can call long distance on one and put the coins in the other. When the operator cuts in and asks you to deposit money, drop the coins in-to the one you are not using, but hold the receiver up to the slots so the operator can hear the bells ring. When youtve f~nishod, you can S ~mply press the return but- ton on the phone With the coins in i t and ou t t}~ey come . ~ f vou have a good tape recorder (cassete) you can record the sounds of a quar t-er, d ~me and nickel gc~ing into a pa-y phone an`1 play them when tlie operator asks you for the money. Turn t:he volume up as lo~d as yor~ can get.