2600 ~o~ TO 6~' 1'~ SU"LY IN | ~ TO "`Jl~7® V.3vr,lt ~ _ ~; ~DIO 2 ~L~ _~ ~1 Tø ~THER au7~o~s NOTES This mixer-ampllfier uses 24 diodes to produce 12 separate tone pairs without mixing them at their source. Each diode is silicon, low current, and the pair should be matched if possible. A single pure tone needs no diodes, of course. A telephone earpiece is a perfec~, low cost speaker for this unit, and has the added advantage of coupling tightly with a telephone mouthp~ece if yon want to play this instrument to your friends, over the phone. A 50K ohm trimmer tunes each oscillator. All parts in this project are 10% or better tolerance, but the capacitors should be drift-free types(mylar, epoxy, or mica), or else the oscillators will detune easily. Two bstteries are recommended for ease of construction and stability of tone. ~STO,S - 10ø~ DI0055 -~7`UE. 5~ SiCN4L a~no~s ' SPSt ~. AMp 7~.~ S8~ *276B016 TE~ EARPIECE _ _ Ä_Ä . , l L t10 ~60~. ~ is lo~T . ~ MFO, This simple mlzer and amplif ier can be used in the e. lectranic organ de - scribed last iseue . 1 ) Power to the speal~er will be lost at low frequen- cies if a sultable enc lo~ure is not used. A small metal 3r plastic box is fine. The box can, of c~urse, contain the rest of the parts. Tones can be f~und for sultable notes ln any sonnd engineering manual. 2) {f played into the phone [or any reason, the speaker should be lined with a circle of f~am to form a good seal that is held tightly to the mout hp ie ce . ylpp~re bOred ø WestlOdnl ke to ni gdh tt~ 2 4 5 - 1 5 0 0 1' '1 ~i