ceorle call him and tell him you're Dear Yip-Line- calling from with a phoney card ~ just tried to make a lo ng dlstance d/ a box His Off ce is 404-529- call from a public telephone to d 6036.'~e's in and out all day chasing Mexican 10 centaVO pieces h or er phreaks so call him at home. Dial 404in pay phones a qua t -w ~ch work 963-1640. He's kind of hard to catch about to dia1 the n~mbrs I was just so we advise call~ng between 2 and 3 few 10 centaVo pieces Irhadd ~nsert the am.Ask him how hets going to catch noticed that the dial h when I ad been ripped him and tell him he s fnll of shit. off. I ha~e not Commented on p bl Your nameless com~ade. issues in a long time bot I believe a people who ri n ~ i ~ 1 ~ _rr ~all, iJl~'hIU~L ~ ~pndneis are hurt ng thelr brothPrY Gerritv Jr., sc~n~or t1: DeapaYyr Alexander Graham BellPhøne at Intel Il any of you out ther t here'5 hol fu ø 5 lll eat meat, p 1 hint o getri g the b st d or the biggbst piece for th m! ~e c 't shoplift 0 ste 1 the prlce motion. S too large if you're caught take the best piece of relati” the cheapest piece meat and G=` ric , carefnlly peel Bot si P e label off the chesper one and stick don't wantg andOsnmilRetUrn the one yol1 lady as the s uff _y at the cash Fltablishment I 1ogeeyothyough Fuck the = I111 1 Ä i0 ~ NUMB ER ú ~ r ~ ~ARCH-~2 ú _e ~ We've got someth~ng rather speeial this month(or months) and you can find it inside. This article has, to our knowledge, never been publi- shod with details for use. It is so good, that it is not worth our getting hassled for printing it if you readers don't support our ac- tion by reprinting it and giving it out. Here's ho~r to do this and make it effective; Mail it to peo- ple and places far away from you as well as in your c~n community. Have a stock of Xeroxed copies so when you p~ck up yippies hitching you can lay them onto it, and they will then spread the ne~s. Papers should print it' and rad~o station people should tell listeners to write to them [or a copy. In the next letter you write to anyone yo~ know, ~nclnde a copy of this article, We are really pushing this 1 2021 r~_` r~ Ir~ead ot being tbe perlad ot good "I to meD on Wednesdey morDing our citizens ~ e some~rhat excited on learning that a re~der~t o! MaiD St. had cut all the teiephone w~res that passed over his house, thus cutting off tbe resdents o! the lower port~on of the I'own flum its sen ice. for several reasons, but mostly because it can seriosly affect ~a Bells profits and therefore policy if it goes ~nto widespread use, it shouid. ~t is wrong to assume that they can easTly change the system and render the device in- effective, because it would take much time wherever they did it, ~ it would have to be done ~y ~eople, who need the work anyway. Bu~1„ them and sell them, but not for more than five bucks. The parts are cheap,maybe two dollars. GET GOING' r those of you who wan to k o how to tell if your Pthøl1 is by f1ipping up Bestc lYk5 mean no hlng but POften 1 and silence 1s service usual y, 't talk on the phone'