(~EPp~T ~E PFQVFRT W~ ~1~5 YOV ~/S t!DS! ) r - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MAY, I q12 ~\ ~ ~ ,KLL ~=Ss A~c~ 5~9u ~5 , THE C~ E?lQY iS qU.ICK ~ ~ To RER®! ;, :: ' :~'-~., ' -- cREAD rHIS: The Boston Peoples Yellow Pages ~s $1 and well worth it. Writerto dem at 351 Broadway, Cambridge,Ma . 02139. Or write to People Yellow Pages at Emmaus House, 241 E . 116 St.,NY,NY 10029. It's free but they need contributions to stay aliYe so help them out,OK? While you're doing that, you'll want to have a PYP in your own com- munity i f you don~t already. Write to the above about form~ng one, or just do it, or if one is forming, help. But make sure to publicise YIPL and some of our articles ~n it, and write us if you need pub- licity or our back issues. There are so many radio stations and papers ~n your community that need feature articles ~n things like YIPt that it isn't funny. Go to these places and tell them ycu' 11 prepare a show on phone politics and technology. If you rece~ve th~s, you are hereby autho~ ri~ed to represent YILL ~n your com.mun~ty and should start doing so immediately. Its absolutely legal, hut that sho~illn't stop ~ ou. Dear YIP Line peop~ We urge you to organize with us a mas- sive telephone campaign in your home community aimed at reeching as many households and businesses as possible. We saggest using the following method to once again make the war a public issue. Our major method will be a phone calling campalgn consisting simply of the follow- ing: "Hello, I called to ask you to think about whether Nixon lied about ending the war. Thank you. " We believe that putting the message in the form of a non-rhet- orical questieg ~ ~ both more thought pro- voking and less alienating. Thls campaign will include newpaper ads and media invol- vement carrylng the simple message;That Nixon lied about ending the war. Please join us. "The Nixon Lied Campaign" 424 North Aurora St.,Ithaca,N.Y. 14850 NEW YORK POST. FRI0AY, MARCH 7d, 1972 U, 44 o V ~ ~ C _ so ~ ~ o O úE~ O C ” ,C ,_, ~ ~,_ U - Ä C _ ~, bt ~ e4. _ ~ C o c ~ .' ~ v dl ~ ~ ~ = c ~e ~ O C e ~ _Ic ~ = ~ ~_ r ~ 2031 ~\ ~_