RECElVE FREE LONš-DISTANC: CflLlS! Now you can receive calls at no charge to the caller,and anyone, e`en a child, can convert their phone to do this in less than 30 minutes. You only need two parts: A "single pole,single throw toggle switch" and a "10~000 ohm, 1/2 watt, 10\ resistort'.Hardware stores carry switches with two w~res already on them, and these are convenient to use. The resistor can be bought for 20˝ at a radio-tv supply or electronic hobby~st store, such as Lafayette Radio. If you can't find a switch with wires already on it, get one with screw terminals so you can easily attac~ on wires. . Cut two pieces of wire at least 6 inches long. Strip off the insulation 172 inch from each end. Attach one wire to each of the two switch screws, and you now have a switch with two 6 inch wires connecred . Turn your normal dial phone upside down and unscrew the two screws, and remove the case. You will ~ now see a small metal box with 16 screws on top and wires connected to them. Locate the screw marked "F'' using our diagram and loosen it. Wrap one of the resistor wires around it and tighten the screw. Loosen the "RR'' scrow and remove the green wire. Then wrap the other ~esistor wire around the "RRt' screw along with one of the switch wires. .ighten ehe "RR" scrow and be sure the wires only touch the proper terminals and no others. Finally,wrap the rema~ning switch w~re around the green wire you just removed and wrap the two up tightly in scotch or elec~rical tape. Close up the phone, running the switch wires out the side or rear of the case. Hang op receiver and get a piece of tape and a pen. Pick up the phone and flip switch to the position that gives you a dial tone. Using tape, n~ark this position of the switch ''Normal". Now flip the switch to the other pos- ition and tne dial tone should stop. Mark this positioi, or the switch "Free'~. If you don't get it to work r~ght, check your wir~ng for a break or a wire touching a nearby screw inside the phone. Leave the switch "Normal" for everyday use. Whe~ your call, quickly l~ft and drop receiver as fast as you can. This is very important that you do it quickly. This should stop the rings. If not,do it again. Then switch to "Free",pick up the phone and talk. Keep all calls as short as you can, always less than 15 minutes. At end of call ? hang up, then switch to ''Normal''. If the call is local' switch to "Normalt' immediately or you may b~ cut off. Your friend can call right back, so the shorter the call the better it is. TO~RDS pfAQ O F PKO~ ~ Ä - ~LUF _~bI== PFSISToR ~6 ~GlEEN ~APE3 ~r~f TC ~ ~ _ FS ~ 1 Zor 1 {~~N