CON S TRšC TION [hc~ ~ltIt' 1~Ž I'~'S t~o t~`s per digit. '~e sh~w nne t,~-i 11:~`r an`! a co~nmor~ an~'ZliFicr, h<'t h l~t' i r~g t u r nL kl `~' wh~ 't ~ I,e pushhu t t on ~n~ls .~\ thru ti~` ;IlL)LILS' O!Z~ for e.teh of the t,~u `~-citI;linrstEnr tI,at l.uttons di`~`t) .l~l~l n~c l`'r tl~c~ :'nrplit~icr. .`l. ~lioJc~ are tlit"lt t,~' :~] L`IZ-01 ~ ~hit LIZ ('IZ tI`c .aml, Iets ~ L'~! [' ~ t' i111 1 \ _ I ~ ~,~.t t ~ I\L~LI ~ j l j C OIZ ) . Fl~t. `\C~ t - 1~'.t ~t' ~ i ~ .' t U I C J1lliUlL' t'.' ~ |) i CCt', li.~L IZ t (~' ' i W` t IZI-~, ;' I . ~ ~ L ~ j j t k) ~ . .~'~K SC t ~ <;' i !~ . ''r i ~ t t'~! ~ L`~It \~~.' j'; ''r~`l`~- 10 ~'i I I i.~'l`~. ™SC i<~t t leq~e'~ ~ - lt~. ll~C,wher~ tI~' k/~ ~ ~t is i~l j~`ste~l t~, cl~e point of oseil- I.1t ic~n. This paint no dist`~rt-ion, and (IW 1~lC~rlC\! C~' L;C IL1i~U~L ~listorticn ~{ S ;~. FOr 1SL)LI us: Jes,an`1 ~ .L}022, R= .lbant lt,l~ul~'ns. Raisi', l R to I ~K(the nexc llitl}test St .\Uda - 'Z val~le) lower i the freq- ueney, and yau can now tunc u~ to 1500 E{~. Dist`~rti~ `.,ill be very l~w.~C wil1 le (10-1., .lnd R/2 will be 22X, 5a use a 50K pot. Witn S~r'~'e 1~21 capacitors, ti~is Twin-T ú .;.illator is re_lly úJOCu. Try it! To si~nplity the ~iiede jungle, use a n~arrix by sa~ldwichirlg the di`~'es between two pieces af perforated circuit board, one witl~ 13 "buss"li~Zes to the swiraties arZd the other witiZ t~ output lines, 7 for oscillators and or~e for the a;`plif ier. ActucZlly, since 2600 is a sin~le tone, you don't need a diode for it, so rnatrix can bc 12 X 7 The diodes are uprigt~t inside tt,e two boards. Watch polarity. Readers Z,rave reparted that an integrated circuit exists that use I a resistor for eech t one, two va riable osc i llat ors be ing required for a box. TIZe Signeties 566 is also reported to be unstable wich tempera- ture variae ic~'s. For plans on bu ilding with it, Write to Sign~tics,811 E. Arques Ave., Sunnyvv~le, Ca. t3- 066 a~Zd ask for information on ti~e 56b VCO and applications notes. Sign your name Joe Smith, Enq. T UN I NG Notes on an organ will actually wor}` if you use thern, but they~re best used for tuning. Or,use a touct~ tone for tuning your box, cr your signal gener- ator. Play your osciLlatcr and yc~ur source of p~tch and adjust till t'beats" ~ust stop. Remember there are two tones per digit. If you tune wich an organ, you must be able to interpolate, that is to set the pitch in between two different orgah notes. To set the 900 oscillator, it shouid be between the A and the A#. OPERATION Fron~ ~ p~y phone,~al long distance info- rmation, or an 800 numher, whichever you can get. from vour city. As call goes thru, prcsc 7600 f~r one seconJ, and when you hear a clicl; ~tial desire] nu~ber, preceel- ed hy k17 and followed by ST. E-xample- ki7415686991~ST. Each pulse i~ the sa~e as if ~nll werc using .a pushbutton phone. A11 pu~ses must he sent within 10 seconds of disconn„ct, if not, disconnect and try again. Do not stay on longer than necessary. ~tY ,r - H8urto~ _ . _ '~ ~ t' . . ~lk _ _ Ä Ä . _~, 1. 1 C 1 ~Ä I ~ - ~ ~ ' __ _ _ ~ OlfE oselL`^ro8' 7 NEIDRD Fe I 2' P'C 1t . n ~egehms C ir) ~r~fLeId,~lass. 01940 t~r.ler 741l, 1~-5 casc, 2 lor qn½, a~lJ 25~ posta~c anl wait. hrite lor c;rtalo~ Ei'st as the~ ma' requLrc !'i'~iu`~n oršcr. Xtl resistors 1/1 h„tt,5 ~. (al~acitors ~cco'~n~cn;1eJ-Spraguc 19~1', sil`-crc<1 n~ic;1, or '~ic.1(lil,pe`1). The values of R shouid be between 30K œ 1501C. Hep 54, 2N2222,or RGA SK3020 transistors. Diodes-~.atched smali signal silicon(~9l4) 7~1 OPAMP-TOPVIEW D I P ~J I_~ø Organ Notes Note l rc~llel~c~ ~ 5 ~ 9 ~ ,t ~ ~ O (:` ~ ~ 09 6 1~19 ~0 ~C 1661 1 7 '637 Touch-Tone '209 1336 1477 697 1 2 3 770 ~5 6 852 7 8 9ll * 0 ro s Plt. DIP Blne Box Tones pJ~it I.requencies 17()0~90() 700+ 1 100 900~1100 ~7 0 0+ 1 3 110 5qon+ 13DO ~] Inn~l300 77011+ 1500 sn(l~lsoo ~1 1 00+ 1 SOO 01 30n~ 15~1() l~i'1 1 00.1 700 ST150061700 [lisconnect - 2600 A 16 button keyboard with no moving parts, ~,easuring 3X3X 1~2, is avail- able f rom Environ~`ental Products, Box 4C6, Lafayette, In. 47902. The price is $7.95 but write for their catalog before you order it. Also, if any readers know wLere to obtain thirner keyboa~s, please write us with details. By the way, lG buttons is perfect for a comblnation blue box/red box. Line earpiece with fo~, ~d press it to mouthp iec e ti~htly. The smartest phone phreaks we know seldo~ carry their unit with them, but rather a cassette reco~er, which they erase after making their call. All numbers directly dialable are callable with the box. Overscas inst~ctions will be forthcoming.