An item of interest for readers: For $1. 50 busines ses and schools are equipping them - selves with ~dial -lock", which f ~t s ir~to the "1~ position on a dial phone, which eliminates calls except from dial-lock key holders.(For pushbi~t~on phones, a steel plate covers the buttons-Ed. ) For every piggy action, there is an equal and opposite people reac~ ion. Simply lift the receiver and rap~ dly push the buttons on the cradle equal to the numbers you would dial. For example, to dial 936-2323 you would push the b~ttons down( or ~ust one of them) 9 times, 3 times' 6 times, etc., about as fast as a watch ticks, with a second or so between each d~git. Keep ~onnt, cause its easy to lose count. Or, ~,ush the button 10 times, and you cen -ive the operator the number you want, wnether its around the co~ner or across the country. She is well-trained to as- s~st you most ably. The "d~al-lock ads are right, the phone bill ~s effectively reduced, but it doean't sey whose. L.W., Houston, Texas . Dear YIPL, If any YIPL reader has access to info on a pig device called a curdler please publish the description of the resona- tor tubes. This device is developed in France [or use on rloters. Basically it is a tone generator, ~mpllfier, and a hi-fi type exponential horn tweeter fitted with resonator tubes. Supposedly even a hand-held model cen cause ear dam~ge and brsin hemmorag~ng through a sort of "sound laser" effect. Come the revolution sympathet~c stereos can be turned ageinst the pig. CCS. Yippie! The Credit Card Computer we reported to you about is not yet available to all operators . So ~n some areas, the old system of simply matching the 4th digit to the letter st~11 works. I`'e 've also heard that on the '~fest Coast, the computor is off from 2-4 a.m. for checking, and cred~t card cal ls dur~ng that time are ass~med to be valid. The same thing ~s true in other areas ~ but we don't know the times. They m~y be the same. ~L READERS ~ _ Dear Yipl, Please distribute this little gem of info inmed- iately- "The National Security Agency monitors and records every trans-Atlantic telephone call. Source- Ramparts Aug. '72. Also- "Of course, all trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific Telephone ca~ s to or from the U.S. are tspped. r I don't know if the NSA would pass info on to the FBI about phone phreaks, bot its certainly conceivable that they may. It seems m is pushing Astrofood to school kids through a subsidiary, Continental Baking. I think we need to find out j~st how much ITT controls. If I get the time I'll go to MLPFœFs and check Standard ~ Poars to see if I cen get the scope of operations of this glant. J.R., Atlanta, Ga. Dear YIPL, Just a note to g~ve you a few comments on the August issue(No. 12). First, the Red Box: you m~ght note that it is also important to provide a contact and make the line connections which will gronnd the tip side of the line when you beep the box. When a coin is placed in a psy phone, the mechanism grounds the tip side for about 1 second; this is what gets you dial tone on a so-called pre- pay phone. Then, when dealing with the operator for longer calls, the beeps tell her that you've paid, but it will look a little funny if the equiptment doesn't register the dropping of coins Both are necessary for a realistic simulation. ~ 1” 1 _" I ~ FICHT BRtN! NO.13 SEPT.-OCT.72 THE rau r~ INF~R NA,IONA L PA RT r L INE (The terms "tip~ and ~ring~(a~so uslesve") come from the old manual switchboard days and describe the connections on a cord plug. These archaic terms are still used taday: the tip side is the green wire and L1 if things are hooRed up properly; the ring side of the line is the red wire and L2.) Second: ~ have constructed several Blne Boxes using the Signetics NE 566 IC. I do not recom- mend it for several reasons: 1. It is designed to be a voltage-controlled oseillator and is very good in this role. It is so damned voltage sensitive that it needs a very stable, rock solid bettery supply. Even-~;~h a zener regalator after the bettery, which is getting rather silly, it is no good because of 2. ~ts temperature sens- itivity. using mylar caps and metOal-film rOsistors I got an 8X var~ation between 35 F. and 90 F., which means you have to re-tune the tt.1ng all the time. Finally, diode variations lead to unreal differences between tones that should be the same frequency. Best Wishes, T.V., Calif. ~1 1 ~ 1~ ~Q k~p h touch wffl yo~ h~ and fri~ÄSl~ ~em a call lar~t