mORE BON PIRBS Correction- The 39K resistor us~d for #ttlng the gain of the ampllfier ln last month's is- sue is incorrect. It should be batw~n 5 and 6 thousand oluns in valne. Too large a velne will cause a buzz in the ampllf$ar from too much gain. l~et's clear up a few details in last month's Blne Box constzuction plans. For those of you without a lot of test equtptment, th$s might help you a bit. 1- The Twin T oscillator has maximue stability for voltage and temperature changes-when it is tuned at least 5X above the initial osai~ating frequency of the oscill~. Othen~rise, a voltage drop of a volt or temperature drop of 20 degrees might turs~ it off. For example, tune in your resistor or cap- acitor velues of the 1100 cycle oscillator so that it starts oscillating at about 1000 or 1050 cyoles, and tune it up to }100. The starting point of osc- illation is always the purest sine wave, but the oscillator is on the verge of turning off, so a slight distortion of the wave can and must be tol- erated ~n this circuit. 2- Tuning up to a tauch tone phone(freruencies given last month) will result in greater tl~n LX accuracy. A hammond organ should be even better. The MF rec- eivers that process your calls will respond to an error of 30 cycles or greater with a rsorder signal. That's a wide margin, and it varies from place to place. So if your tones come closer than 30 cycles to the correct ones, you will have better success and less of "I'm sorry, your call did not so thru~. 3- Repeat-Call only fram psy phones, never fran your home phone! An exception is to call fron' a phone that wi 11 probably never be boxed on again. The phone company has records of 800 calls and 555-1212 calls that are abnormally long, and they have been known to investigate. 4- If your call doesn rt go thru, it may be your tuning, an excess of distortionttones will sound very harsh),too loud or soft a tone, extra ncise leaking into the phone, and most important, an overload in Bell's circuits that night from all the other blue-boxers making calls. Also remember that if you initially dial and beep of f a 800 or information number in the area code you will be boxing, do not key in the area code, ~ust the 7 digits( 7D) . 5- The diodes are non~critical, small signal units and don't have to be 1N914. The transistors are small signal NPN type wich HFE of 50 or more The transistors mentioned, and rnany others also will all work perfectly. sq.uare wave, generated by an on~off type of device such as a multivibrator, has a lot of harmonics, sounds harsh and is not as effeccive as a sine wave, though often easier to make. .N \ A pure s~ne wave, fran a Twin T oseillator, and from ~ tauch tone phone is the best waveshape for ac~civating Western Electric~s brain. A Twin T oscillator slightly distorrted, because it is tuned SX higher than its initaal frequency of oscIllation. Its stability is excollent. It's dynarr~ite for boxing. A / \ ~/ A triangle wave, generated by the Signeties 566 IC(Integrated Cireuit). Because it isn't a pure sine wave, it sounds harsh because it contains harrnonics, and it doesn't work as well, thou~h it does work. This is a sine wave with its peaLs flateened (or cut off). It causes distortion, harshness, and trouble. A telephone earpiece has a dual diode connected across the terminals in newer units, and if the signal lavel is too gr~eat the diodes absorb the peaks of thc slne wave, thus causing the wovefonn to distort l~e this. Remove the dioc~e before using. 1' '1 r~_s ~_e